The Walking Dead has made its fans cry tears of blood more times than we can count. Every time we open our hearts to make room for a character, the show kills our emotions in the most horrible and brutal way possible. And in light of recent events (We’re looking at you, dead Beth) we decided to list 15 times The Walking Dead moved us all to tears.
Rick finds Carl and Lori.
It was incredibly moving to see little (not yet annoying) Carl race into his father’s arms – a miracle amidst all the misfortunes. Is there a happier scene in TWD? We don’t think so.
Amy becomes a Walker.
Amy’s death was a shocker for us all; it was the first real death in the show. Amy may have been a minor character, but her death was a MAJOR blow.
Carl gets shot.
Oh Otis, why art thou so stupid? If only you hadn’t shot Carl, you’d still be alive.
What got to us in this scenario was the desperation with which Rick tried to save his son. Best Dad Ever!
The Cherokee Rose.
This was when we fell irrevocably and helplessly in love with Daryl Dixon. He may have been a racist redneck, but he cared. And all that he does for Sophia wets our eyes. Oh, lady feels!
Walker Sophia comes out of the Barn.
There was a tiny ray of hope in all our hearts that somehow Sophia had survived and it was this scene that crushed it. *sniff sniff*
Daryl shoots Dale.
It felt unfair that Dale died instead of oh so many useless characters still alive. *looks pointedly at Andrea* But this was also when Daryl stepped up as the First Mate when the Captain couldn’t do the job.
Carl shoots Lori.
Lori wasn’t the most loved character but her death made us sob like two year olds. Watching Carl forced to shoot his own mother was hauntingly sad. At least we got Li’l Ass Kicker.
Rick finds out about Lori.
What makes Rick breakdown is not the fact that Lori died but that his son had to kill his own mother.
Daryl kills Merle.
We don’t think there’s anyone who ever liked Merle even a little but his death made Daryl bawl and this fandom has a rule – if Daryl cries, so must you.
Governor beheads Hershel.
WHYYYY?? This death broke all of us. Of all the heinous acts the Governor committed, this was the worst.
Rick and Carl think Judith died.
The loss of Judith was maybe the hardest for Carl. But to be fair, blaming Rick wasn’t the solution, (now annoying) Carl!
Daryl’s Drunk Drama.
It was really sad to see Daryl blame himself for Hershel’s death but at the same time the bonding session between Bethyl was worth it. *slow clap*
Carol kills Lizzie.
Yes, the psycho kid who killed her own sister. What saddened us was how Carol killed her. As if looking at flowers was going to make anything okay! Why TWD?!
Reunions after Terminus.
Be it Daryl running to embrace Carol or Rick and Carl rushing to find Judith alive, it warmed our hearts to the point of tears. Hey, it’s not every day that these characters are happy!
Dear Creators, now you’re just being mean! Never have we ever bawled so much over a fictional death. And we’re still not over it. The frustrating part is, Beth had so much potential! WHY GOD WHY?????
And because this post made us relive horrible sadness, here is Carl trying to lighten things up with his crashing-in-the-door techniques.