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15 Things We Love About Middle Earth

2 years ago written by

We all bid a recent farewell to the movie adaptations of Middle Earth with The Hobbit: Battle of Five Armies. And this is what we feel like:


So, in honor of one of the greatest movie series of all time, we bring you this list of the 15 most endearing things about our beloved Middle Earth.

The Battle Scenes

Some of us may not have been action fans but we sure did love to watch the Middle Earth battles, if only for the numerous feels flying around. Like the unity of dwarves and elves in the Battle of Five Armies. Goosebumps, anyone?


The Love Trio

Aragorn may have ended up with Arwen, but he had most chemistry with Gimli and Legolas. Their concern, love and loyalty for each other just had us all shipping them.


Fili and Kili

Dwarves are all hairy little beasts of awesomeness but this particular pair of dwarves had our hearts beat for them. And then bleed for them, because you know.. *drowning in tears*


Bilbo’s Adventurous Spirit

Bilbo’s kindness and courage are indescribable in words – is this a Hobbit thing or what? And watching Bilbo cry for the loss of Thorin had us all sobbing in the movie theater.


Gollum’s Riddles

As far as creepy evil creatures go, Gollum is by far the cutest. The confused little Gollum trying to make Bilbo his dinner was the high point in the first Hobbit movie.


Legolas’s SWAG

The undisputed hero of Middle Earth is Legolas right here. With all his awesome kicks and jumps and his un-ending supply of arrows, we’re surprised he still manages to find time to braid those long glossy locks of his.

Legolas-GIF-Picture-legolas-greenleaf-35688536-500-207 tumblr_mg0bh8vaeg1qlhck1o2_500 Legolas-Is-Fabulous-Shooting-His-Bow-In-Lord-Of-The-Rings

Merry and Pippin

We all simply adore the fun and energetic Merry and Pippin, who manage to both make us laugh and be badass to fight for Middle Earth.


Gandalf’s Insults

Fool of a Took! Throw yourself in next time and rid us of your stupidity!

Need we say more? But sometimes, we think Gandalf just enjoyed bullying poor Peregrin Took.

Gandalf Meme

Aragorn’s Friendship

Aragorn was one of the few humans not being greedy and screwing things up but the reason we all adore him was his selfless concern and care for his friends. In LOVE.


The Epic Background Score

What set the mood of all the movies and magnified the awesome levels by a 100 times was the amazing background score. Applause to Howard Shore.

Faramir’s Poetic Sweetness

What is it that we love more than a Fighter? That’s right, a Lover! Faramir was probably the most under-appreciated character in the series. But we love you, Faramir.


Eowyn’s Fearlessness

Eowyn’s unflinching courage was testimony that men were not the only ones with balls. And can we just say how happy we are that she ended up with Faramir?


Legolas and Gimli’s Competition

Legolas and Gimli counting their kills to beat each other made the most fun battle scenes for us. But despite their competition, they were willing to die together as friends. Feels.


Tauriel and Kili

What’s that? Oh, the sound of our hearts breaking! Why introduce Tauriel in the story if Kili just had to leave her like that? But their romance was magical, even if it didn’t last long.



Frodo and Sam

We save the best for the last. Frodo Baggins and Samwise Gamgee were the brave heroes of the Shire who didn’t give up till the end. And not to mention Sam’s unwavering devotion towards Frodo. Oh, where’s the tissue?




Tell us in the comments below, what was your favorite part of the Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit.

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