Stylearia » featured Tue, 21 Jun 2016 06:35:19 +0000 en-CA hourly 1 Things To Keep In Mind While Shopping With Your Boyfriend /_p=3498 /_p=3498#comments Tue, 21 Jun 2016 05:57:50 +0000 /_p=3498 Taking a shopping trip with your boyfriend can quickly get tedious. You’ll start out all pumped and enthusiastic about it, naively hoping that you might return home with an outfit that your boyfriend loves and helped you pick out! Yeah, right.

The reality is as far removed from the above scenario as possible. The actual situation might be a bit more like this: You browse through racks and racks of clothing, visit over seven stores, receive no helpful inputs from his side whatsoever (he just doesn’t get that culottes and palazzos are two different things!), while he spends the entire day waiting outside various changing rooms, checking football scores on his phone and updating his Facebook status as “bored to death”.

Man holding clothes by a changing room

To save yourself and your significant other from a lot of distress, boredom and irritation, Style Aria has made a list of tips to follow when out shopping with the boyfriend. Trust us, you’ll like each other better for it and might end up having a good time!

  1. Have a shopping list ready before you set out. You don’t have to limit yourself to it if you stumble across a nice bargain but it’s advisable to not browse randomly while out with your man.
  2. Don’t visit over 3 or 4 stores. Men have limited patience with shopping as it is, don’t test it by hopping from store to store without actually buying anything.
  3. Don’t ask him confusing questions. You ask him, “Do you think cap sleeves make my arms look plump or should I rather go for 3/4th sleeves in a darker color?”, you’ll lose him. Just a simple yes or no should be your goal. Don’t let him get away with a noncommittal shrug, but also don’t go into in-depth analysis of why he doesn’t like a particular item.
  4. Leave him free to roam around on his own. You would be bored too if you had to wait for hours outside trial rooms, doing nothing. Let him go to the mall’s bar for a beer if that’s what you think will make him happy!
  5. Check out other girls with him. No harm ever came from having a little light fun with your man. Point out other pretty girls to him and he won’t mind if you indulge in a bit of eye-candy yourself!

Our final advice, save yourself the trouble and leave your boyfriend home! Just take your BFFs instead.


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Here’s How You Can Wear Heels Daily! /_p=3502 /_p=3502#comments Mon, 20 Jun 2016 07:44:52 +0000 /_p=3502 Painful heels and swollen, blistered toes are a huge problem that women worldwide face everyday. Some of us have given up almost entirely on high heels and only stick to wearing them very rarely.

We buy gorgeous heels with so much anticipation and expectations and eventually end up hating them when they try to murder our feet! To avoid all the heart (and feet) ache, we have listed down a few tips and hacks that will help you wear heels with more ease, maybe even everyday!

Choose your shoes wisely. Stilettos might look sexy but you won’t when you hobble around weirdly in them. Block heels look just as good and are way more comfortable to wear. For regular or long-hour wear, pick thick soled, properly cushioned heels. Wedges work great as everyday heels!




Platform heels reduce the elevation your soles have to suffer, thus increasing the comfort level to a tenfold. Also, another option you can try are insoles. Gel insoles are known to lend extra comfort and support.


Make absolutely sure that you’re wearing the right size shoe. If it pinches your toes or your foot slide forward, then it’s not a right fit for you and you should try a size lower or higher.

Carry a pair of flats in your bag when going out in a pair of high heels that you know you’re going to be wearing for a long period of time. That way, you’ll always have the option of changing shoes if your feet hurt too much. (Rihanna does it… and so do our stylists!)

Don’t buy heels online. You need to try them on and walk around to actually know if they fit you well before buying them.

WhoWhatWear recommends taping your third and fourth toes (counting from the big toe) together to alleviate pain from wearing high heels. The proof is in the science: there’s a nerve that splits between those two toes, which causes pain when pressure is put on it (like when you wear heels). The tape helps to remove strain on the nerve. It’s a hack that has women weeping with utter joy!

Ankle straps and Mary Janes are more comfortable than no-strap pumps, as they provide extra support and your feet do not slide out of place.




Finally, for everyday wear, try picking out shoes with not more than 3 inches of heel. Medium height heels are a better option that not wearing heels at all, and besides, chunky low heels are crazy popular right now!

Don’t forget to leave us your thoughts in the comments section below!
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12 Awesome Things That Have Happened So Far in GOT Season 6 /_p=3457 /_p=3457#comments Wed, 18 May 2016 05:11:14 +0000 /_p=3457 We have waited with bated breath since last year to know about the admittedly sick fates of our favorite Westerosi folks. Now that Game of Thrones is finally back, we thought we’d make a list of awesome things that have already happened so far in Season 6.

1. He’s ALIVE! Yes, we knew Jon Snow was too important a character to be killed by worthless little things like Olly, and with so much of his storyline still under layers of mystery. And we were right. The red priestess managed to bring the curly haired Lord Commander Snow back from the dead, after insisting for almost an hour that she couldn’t do it. Rather like that student who says they haven’t studied at all… and then ends up scoring an A! Well played, Red, well played.


2. Sansa escapes to freedom. Having leaped to freedom over the Winterfell battlements with Theon/Reek (Alfie Allen, still doing the best disembodied stare on television) she finally recognised her error in not going with Brienne earlier (and choosing to stick with the icky Lord Petyr Baelish. When the fugitive pair were rescued by Brienne (Gwendoline Christie) and Podrick, Sansa immediately agreed to take Lady Tarth on as personal protector. Clever that, given Ramsay – a raving nutter in the kindest of circumstances – was epically ticked off at her escape.


3. Dany was reunited with the Dothraki (not such a thrilling situation for her, but totally awesome because now at least she’ll be interesting!). As widow of the great Khal Drogo, Daenerys (Emilia Clark) had leaped to the entirely reasonable assumption that the Dothraki would be respectful towards her. Unfortunately, tradition decreed that, upon the death of their husbands, bereaved Khaleesi were required to live out their days in pious servitude in the horse barbarian capital Vaes Dothrak. It was an interesting tit-bit Drogo had neglected to mention back when he was suffering an excruciating death in series one.


4. Ramsay congratulated his father on becoming a dad by knifing him to death. Just as we’d begun to suspect Game of Thrones had calmed down and given up trying to trump its greatest hits came this: Ramsay Bolton (Iwan Rheon) calmly knifing dad/political rival Roose (Michael McElhatton) was a genuine shock considering GoT typically waits until the latter half of a season before killing off major characters. But let’s admit it, none of us were sad to see Roose Bolton kick the bucket. What followed, however, teetered on unwatchable as Ramsay cradled the mewling half-brother whose birth had driven him to patricide and then literally unleashed the hounds upon infant and mother. “I prefer being an only child,” said Ramsay, as the dogs did their dirty work and his position at the head of House Bolton was bloodily secured.


5. Hodor is not just a sweet Westerosi Groot with no storyline! Hurrah for Bran’s trade-mark waking dreams, which helped get his story on track once more and will have reminded viewers why he is such a vital part of the grand tapestry. In this swords and sorcery tale, most of the “sorcery” has flowed from the Stark prince. A frisson of the otherworldly is restored now he’s in the frame again.  The latest visitation flash-backed to Winterfell and the boyhood of Bran’s father, Ned. It was sweet and surprising to peel the decades away and witness Ned and Benjen Stark banter with their sister Lyanna, who, in adulthood, would single-handedly change the fate of the Seven Kingdoms. But most shocking was the appearance of a young Hodor : his real name, we learned, was Willis and he could speak and wield a sword. What had happened to him? Just when you imagined Game of Thrones had run out of mysteries to weave, here was a new one.


6. Tyrion made new fire-breathing friends. What fun it was seeing Tyrion (Peter Dinklage) up against foes he couldn’t seduce with gilded small talk. Instead, the two dragons rotting in the Meereen dungeons were won over by his gentleness as he unshackled their chains. In an utterly riveting scene, Tyrion comes within barbecue distance of Dany’s babies – creatures he’s long been fascinated with. We are so sure this is important to his eventual storyline.


7. Gregore Clegane is back to crushing skulls. He has been resurrected as Ser Robert Strong and is proving just the help around the house Cersei (Lena Headey) could have done with circa her Shamewalk. He is steadfastly loyal, inhumanly strong and would probably laugh at her jokes if a) he possessed a functioning voice box and b) Cersei possessed a functioning sense of humour. He demonstrated his murderous devotion by tracking down the public exhibitionist who had waggled his man-bits at Cersei during her penitential ambling through King’s Landing, mulching the oik’s head against a wall. Ser Killbot is surely just getting started.


8. We’re finally at the Tower of Joy! Peeking over the shoulder of Timelord Bran, we whooshed back to young Ned Stark and the Tower of Joy. This location gets a lot of flashback attention in the books, but it hasn’t really been mentioned in the TV show until now. It’s a tower in Dorne, the sandy homeland of the Martel family and the weapon-wielding Sandsnakes. In a similar flashback in the books, the captive within was revealed to be Ned’s sister Lyanna. George RR Martin describes events that occurred long before series one of the TV series begins, in which Lyanna had been captured by Rhaegar Targaryen, elder brother of Daenerys and son of the Mad King Aerys. This was the catalyst for Robert Baratheon’s rebellion, as he was betrothed to Lyanna. Many avid GoT followers believed the Tower of Joy would solve the mystery of Jon Snow’s parentage. There is a common theory (known to show nerds as R+L=J) which holds that when Rhaegar kidnapped the beautiful Lyanna, he also raped her, and Jon Snow was the product of that union. In order to protect his nephew, Ned Stark supposedly claimed Jon as his own bastard son. This theory is yet to be proved or disproved.


9. Rickon is back. The missing-presumed-forgotten Stark princeling made a shock return. Alas, he can’t have been very pleased to be in the frame again as he was gifted to the Boltons (well, Ramsay and his dogs) as a gesture of fealty by oikish House Umber. Ignored for three seasons, now a humiliated bargaining chip. Even in obscurity, the Starks can’t catch a break. Or can they? A lot of fans reckon that Rickon, Osha (his trusty wildling companion) and House Umber are all in cahoots. While Smalljon Umber claims his father has died, it is possible that fierce warrior Greatjon Umber –  a loyal vassal of Robb Stark’s – is still kicking about. If so, maybe he’s readying a Northern army to storm Winterfell, and Rickon is just a distraction to lull Ramsay into a false sense of security. Bran trusted Greatjon enough to send Rickon there for safe keeping once he went north of the Wall, and we’d like to think Bran put his trust in the right place.


10. The Lannister twins-with-benefits are finally ready to met out red hot revenge. They have teamed up with the Tyrells in order to take back King’s Landing from the grimy clutches of the High Sparrow and his annoying Faith Militant.


11. Sansa and Jon reunite! Stark siblings ever crossing paths with each other seemed the least likely thing to happen on Game of Thrones. But it did happen, and it was perfect!This story has sprawled so prodigiously, there is a visceral thrill that comes from seeing disparate pieces connect, especially pieces of the tortured family that represents whatever good is left in the world. Sansa and Jon, who grew up together even though they were never close as brother and sister but have been through A LOT since, just look at each other for a whole minute, not daring to believe it’s really the other. The hug between them brought us close to tears, in fact, making us wish for more Starks to start turning up. Jon is given an apology followed by pep talk by Sansa, about how they need to take back Winterfell from Ramsay. For the rest of the series, they need to stick together.


12.  Danaerys barbecued khals. The Dothraki hut went up like a haystack soaked in kerosene, taking the potty-mouthed khals with it and allowing the unburnt dragon mother to emerge from the flames. As Dothraki-cowing parlor tricks go, it’s a good one, which we already know because we saw her do roughly the same thing with Khal Drogo’s funeral pyre in Season 1. She has conquered cities. She has made mistakes. She has been underestimated and has learned the value of allowing herself to be underestimated. She has acquired the support of the Unsullied and of the oppressed of Slavers Bay, even if Tyrion threatens to undo much of that support. And not for nothing, but the baby dragons who emerged from that pyre are now, you know, actual giant fire-breathing dragons. Then there was the symbolism of the thing. The khals collectively represent a distilled, pure-grade dose of the savage aggression that has torn this world apart — they promised an almost cartoonish level of rape and cruelty and ended up as ash, showing in the process the ultimate fecklessness of bluster, dumb strength and braggadocio in the face of true transcendent power. The kind Dany represented in the early days of this story but is only now beginning to embody. Something tells us things are going to go better for her this time.


Have we missed out on something? Let us know in the comments section below!


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10 Shoes Every Girl Needs! /_p=3460 /_p=3460#comments Tue, 17 May 2016 08:04:08 +0000 /_p=3460 If we lived by Carrie Bradshaw’s rules, then we could never have too many shoes. Sometimes, we think that may be the case. However, we don’t have the budget (or closet space for that matter) to jump on every single trend.

To make your wardrobe planning a little easier, we’ve zeroed in on the 10 key shoe styles every woman should have in her closet. If you adhere to this foolproof footwear plan, then you’ll always have the pair you need. From your secret-weapon statement shoe to the go-anywhere ankle boot, read on to see, shop, and stock your closet with all the necessary ingredients.



Come fall, fashionistas can’t get enough of this comfy boot. Best with a low heel, they are super comfy and make a pair of jeans or leggings look like a million bucks. You can even pair them with a dress or skirt to give a feminine look some edge. For Fall, Winter, rain, and beyond, a pair of tall boots lends polish and protection from the elements. They’re as chic as they are practical.



They range from casual (like a brown leather pair with a low heel) to dressy (like stiletto black booties). Whichever one you choose, the versatility is endless. For an easy brunch look, pair some skinny or boot-cut jeans with a rugged ankle boot. To dress it up, pair jeans or a skirt with a medium high-heeled ankle boot. It’s no wonder these ankle boots have a huge celebrity following. The neutral hue and walkable heel will serve you well year-round.




It’s the quintessential shoe (as long as you can walk in it). Whether your favorite is a pointy-, round- or square-toed heel, choose one you feel comfortable in. And don’t get hung up on height. A 2-inch kitten heel can look just as polished as a 2-inch stiletto. This pair of polished pumps will never let you down. From the office to your evenings out, these are a classically chic finish to everything.



A summer staple that adds a heavy dose of style to your wardrobe, a high, strappy sandal can be worn anywhere from a wedding to a girls’ night. This is the type of shoe that looks great with a pop of color because it can really punch up an outfit. Come Spring and Summer, we make the seasonal shift to sandals. Great wedges are easy to walk in and pair just as well with party dresses as they do with casual shorts and denim.




When your feet need a little R&R, a flat is welcome relief. Sport a casual pair when you’re spending the day traveling or shopping. A dressy, leather flat is perfect for work — we always keep a pair stashed under our desks. Ballet flats (or skimmer flats) are a no-fuss solution to feeling polished and pulled together while on the go. They’re equal parts ladylike and casual, meaning we can wear them with pretty pleated skirts, shift dresses, or even cutoffs.



Whether you love a boat shoe, canvas slip-ons or an old-school pair of Keds, every woman needs a pair of cute sneakers. Wear them into work before you change into pumps or walk wherever the wind takes you.Gym sneakers are meant for the gym, but a pair of cute kicks like these are a wardrobe basic worth investing in.


Casual-Outfit-With-Sequin-Crop-Top-Sam & Libby-Ashland-Studded-Sandal-Metallic-Silver-Birkenstock-Lookalike-for-less-Contoured-Footbed-Shoe-DIY-Vintage-Jean-Shorts- (733x1100)

Target-Sam & Libby-Ashland-Studded-Sandal-Silver-Metallic-Birkenstock-lookalike-for-less-contoured-footbed-sandal (733x1100)

It contours to your foot and lets you walk around without a blister. The flat sandal is a true warm-weather essential. Rubber flip-flops aren’t supportive at all. These will have arch support for comfort and stylish details that are everywhere right now. Think of these as your much-cooler alternative to flip-flops. Since we gravitate toward flat sandals all Summer long, make sure you opt for a pair with details you’ll be happy to slip into on a daily basis. Something with a fun color or great studded finish can up the ante on your everyday dress.



Every girl needs a pair of seriously sexy heels in her arsenal. Whether you opt for vibrant color, a statement print, or ultra glamorous detailing, this pair should be the one you throw on with everything from jeans to your evening dresses to feel instantly sexy.







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11 Spookiest Places On Earth! /_p=3443 /_p=3443#comments Mon, 11 Apr 2016 17:15:43 +0000 /_p=3443 Because we were feeling a bit of a daredevil, we decided to find out which were the scariest places on the face of the earth. Here’s a list of 11 of those places. Make sure you keep the lights on when you read this!

1. The White House, Washington DC, USA – Perhaps the world’s most famous residence, the home and office of the President of the United States, since 1800, when John Adams first moved into the house. With the vast amount of history and historical figures that have graced its rooms, it’s very little wonder that the White House has more than a tale or two of hauntings. In fact, it’s considered to be one of the most haunted houses in the whole of the United States.

Past presidents, their families, and foreign dignitaries have all attested to the paranormal goings on at the White House. On one particular visit, the then Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Winston Churchill, was staying in the Lincoln Bedroom. He had just finished bathing and walked back into the suite where he saw Lincoln standing by the fireplace. He refused to sleep in that room again after that. Other people that have said they have seen the ghost of Abraham Lincoln include presidents Teddy Roosevelt, Herbert Hoover, and Dwight Eisenhower; First Ladies Jackie Kennedy and Ladybird Johnson; and presidential children Susan Ford and Maureen Reagan. Maureen and her husband both witnessed Lincoln standing by the same fireplace where Churchill had once seen him.

Various other spectres have also been seen, including past employees, Presidents Thomas Jefferson and John Tyler; First Lady Dolley Madison; a British soldier; and Anne Surratt. Sudden cold spots, disembodied footsteps, voices, knocks, and screams have also been reported at the seemingly very haunted 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.


2. The Old Changi Hospital, Singapore – Old Changi Hospital is a former hospital in Changi, Singapore. It was built back in 1935 as part of the old Changi military base. During the occupation of the Japanese the compound was used by the notorious Kempeitai (the Japenese Secret Police) as a prison and torture camp. After the end of World War II, the building was again a hospital, and remained so until 1997, when it was replaced by the Changi General Hospital. It has stood derelict and decaying ever since.

The building is now haunted by its past, with Japanese soldiers, people that were executed, and the patients that died here. Apparitions of an old man has been seen walking down the corridors, and a woman has been seen walking through the rooms. The spirits of children are known to haunt the old children’s ward, and the ghosts of bloodied Japanese soldiers have been seen also. Loud bangs and unexplained screams are also a common occurrence.


3. Edinburgh Castle, Edinburgh, Scotland – The site on which Edinburgh Castle sits has history dating back to the Iron Age. Situated overlooking what many people believe to be the most haunted city on Earth, Edinburgh Castle has been the site of torture and many bloody battles during its time. It was also where majority of Harry Potter was shot.

Visitors and staff of this now tourist destination, have experienced many things over the years. The most common is the feeling of being touched and pulled, as well as the sighting of apparitions. Spirits that have been witnessed include an old man wearing an apron, a headless drummer boy, and a piper who mysteriously lost his life after getting lost in the tunnels below the castle.

Other experiences include shadowy figures, strange lights, sudden drops in temperature, unexplained mists, strange sounds, the feeling of being watched, and sudden intense feelings of dread, sadness, and despair.

Or maybe it’s just the presence of Dementors left behind by the Warner Bros. crew!


4. Island of the Dolls, Xochimilco, Mexico – Located on Lake Teshuilo in Xochimilco near Mexico City, the island La Isla de la Munecas (The Island of the Dolls) is certainly one of the strangest haunted locations in our list. In the 1950’s, a man named Julian Santan Barrera moved to the island.

Julian was unaware of the dark history of the area when he moved there to become a recluse. Legend says that three young girls were playing near the water in the 1920’s, when one of the girls fell in and drowned in the murky waters. Locals believed that ever since her death, the young girl’s spirit has been unable to leave the island. It soon grew quite a reputation as a haunted place, and locals wouldn’t go near it at night for fear of what they might see.

Julian claimed that as soon as he moved to the island, a little girl began speaking to him. The girl told Julian how she had died, and that she was trapped on the island. He began to get dolls for this little girl, often selling off fruit and vegetables that he had grown on the island, so that he could buy dolls for her to play with.

Julian later told his nephew that it was becoming more difficult to appease the girl’s thirst for these dolls, with him seemingly worried that she wanted him to join her in her watery grave. The same day he had this discussion, the nephew found his uncle face down in the canal. His body was in the same spot where the little girl had apparently drowned seventy years before.

Today, tourists to the island often speak of the doll’s eyes following them. Others have also reported that the mutilated dolls whisper to them, especially at night. Julian’s ghost is also said to remain on the island, as well as the young girl.


5. Poveglia Island, Italy – In the Venice Lagoon between Venice and Lido, sits the small island of Poveglia. Inhabited since 421, when mainlanders fled to seek refuge from the invaders, Poveglia’s population began to dwindle centuries later, and by the 14th century the island was completely abandoned. As with many small islands in Europe during the Bubonic Plague outbreak in the 14th century, the island became a quarantine colony. Many Venetians were sent here to die, their dead infected bodies being burned on giant pyres. This was also the case in 1630, when the Black Death swept through Venice.

The site was apparently used to as a mental asylum during the 1800’s, however many sources state that this simply is not the case. Stories persist though of ill treatment, and experimental procedures being carried out in building. During 1930 a doctor is believed to have committed suicide, jumping to his death from the bell tower.  From the mid-20th century up until 1975 when it was closed, Poveglia hospital was used as geriatric centre.

Today the whole island is abandoned, and it’s believed that many locals dare not step foot on the island for fear of being cursed. Fisherman also refuse to fish in the area for fear of dragging up human remains.


6. The Queen Mary Hotel, California, US – Once a transatlantic ocean liner and now a permanently moored hotel in California, the Queen Mary has been touted as one of the country’s most haunted hotels, and taking into account its bevy of ghosts, it’s not hard to see why.  Two different women drowned in the ship’s first class pool, and now their ghosts are often seen there.  Various apparitions have been seen throughout the bar and lounge areas, most in period dress.  One particular room, B340, displayed a great deal of activity, but is now no longer available.  Coincidence? We think not.


7. Château de Brissac, Maine-et-Loire, France – Originally built in the 11th century as a castle by the Counts of Anjou, Château de Brissac was rebuilt in 1502, by Charles II, Duke of Brissac, who gave it its name. This noble castle is the tallest in France, and it exudes old world charm, but one of its past residents has shocked more than one visitor.

A double murder that occurred sometime in the 15th century within the walls of the castle, has resulted in one of the more popular ghosts of the Château de Brissac, that of the la Dame Verte, or “Green Lady”. The current residents (the current Duke of Brissac and his family) have become accustomed to her roaming the rooms, but she has scared many a guest. She is often seen in the tower room of the chapel, wearing her green dress. What’s most terrifying however, is her face. If she looks at you, you’ll see that her face has gaping holes were her eyes and nose should be, resembling what a corpse would look like. As well as her sighting, her moans are also often heard throughout the castle in the early hours.


8. Ancient Ram Inn, Gloucestershire, England – Built in 1145, the Ancient Ram Inn is believed to be the most haunted house in the entire British Isles, and perhaps the most haunted house in the world. The tales of child sacrifices, devil worship, and evil spirits are believed to be behind the terrifying happenings in this building. The Inn was built on the intersection of 2 ley lines, what many people believe is a conductor for spiritual activity. In addition, an ancient Pagan burial ground is said to have resided in the property over 5,000 years ago.

During its time as a bed and breakfast, people would often flee in the middle of the night, often seeing full bodied apparitions in their rooms, the feeling of being touched/pulled, disembodied voices, and the just the general feeling of evil.

John, the current owner and resident of the Ram Inn, has reported that on his first night in the house in 1968, he felt a presence grab his arm, before being dragged out of bed and across the room! John has since found evidence of devil worship and ritual sacrifice. He found two child skeletons underneath the staircase, as well as broken daggers. He continues to experience the hauntings and the attacks to this day.


9. Eastern State Penitentiary, Pennsylvania, US – Built in 1829, Eastern State Penitentiary is a former prison in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It’s known for being the very first prison of its kind to introduce solitary confinement, or what they used to call, the Pennsylvania System. Prisoners were sent to solitary during this time as a form of rehabilitation. They would be completely isolated, living alone, eating alone, and even exercising alone in their own individual yards. Whenever an inmate left his cell, a black hood would be placed over his head to assure he remained in confinement.

Due to Eastern States’ harsh approach, many prisoners were drove to insanity, and as a result the Pennsylvania System was scrapped in 1913. From then until 1970 it was used as a regular prison, and held the likes of Al Capone and the bank robber, Willie Sutton.

Reports of the paranormal have been going on since the 1940’s, but ever since the stone prison was abandoned in 1971, paranormal experiences have seemingly increased.


10. Bhangarh Fort, Rajasthan, India – Built in the early 1600s by King Sawai Madho Singh, this fort protected a small city of roughly 10,000 people and included a royal palace.  According to legend, a sorcerer fell in love with the King’s daughter and in the process of trying to seduce her, he died, cursing the town to be destroyed.  Shortly thereafter, an invading army destroyed the fort and killed virtually everyone who lived there.  Locals refuse to live anywhere near the ruins, and have ensured that it’s closed after dark due to the presence of various ghosts that have been reported roaming through the complex.  There have been cases where people have been at the fort at night, only to turn up dead in the morning.


11. Paris Catacombs, France – Containing the bones of thousands of people, these catacombs were never really meant to house human remains.  Due to overcrowded cemetery conditions in the 18th century, many remains were relocated to the spider-webbing tunnels beneath the city.  While the bones are laid out in artful arrangements, stories of discontented spirits abound.  Many people have reported seeing apparitions as well as being touched or shoved, and that some people have disappeared within the catacombs altogether.


Leave us your thoughts in the comments section below!



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3 Types Of Skirts You NEED In Your Closet /_p=3422 /_p=3422#comments Thu, 17 Mar 2016 02:52:57 +0000 /_p=3422 The season of skirts is almost here again, and needless to say, we are super duper stoked to have the summers back! We have already started prepping our closets for the sunny days ahead, and we know you have too. Here’s the low-down on the 3 types of skirts you absolutely need in your summer wardrobe for 2016!

Maxi Skirts – It seems that 2016 is taking a style cue from the ’70s! It’s the complete flower child fix for the free spirited bohemians out there, but this skirt length is also much more than that. The romantic, flowy maxi skirt is a gorgeous silhouette, and it can be styled so many ways. Whatever your personal style preference, we’re pretty sure there is a perfect maxi skirt somewhere out there for you.



The trend has now evolved to offer fashion lovers a garment that is both comfortable and sexy: side-split maxis. The beauty of the maxi split trend is that it can be paired with everything from a leather jacket to a silk blouse and can be worn in a variety of different settings.



A-Line Skirts – There is something wonderfully feminine and freeing about wearing an A-line skirt (which is wider at the bottom, like the capital letter A). It accentuates a woman’s hourglass curves—but, unlike a pencil skirt, allows freedom of movement. Instead of stepping carefully, one can stride—or even sashay! This slightly retro shape can be ladylike or wildly sensual, depending on the fabric and volume of the skirt. Stiffer materials tend to be more conservative and work-appropriate. And fluid full skirts can be downright seductive! The temptation to twirl is hard to resist.


Alexa Chung Denim Button Down Skirt MIIAAN



Pencil Skirts – A black pencil skirt is arguably one of the most versatile items in any lady’s closet, and accordingly, should be a mandatory part of any style arsenal. It may have started as an office essential, but that doesn’t mean this knee-length sheath is strictly business. Pair it with fun graphic tees and sneakers for the perfect sporty chic look. Fit and length are the two most important aspects and you should never choose a skirt that is too tight (it looks tacky and it will be incredibly uncomfortable). If the skirt bunches or makes horizontal lines at the hips then you know it’s too small. As for length, a pencil skirt should fall around the knees, or just over, ensuring that the skirt draws attention to the slimmest part of your legs.





Leave us your thoughts in the comments section below!



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This 60 Year Old French Guy Is Also A Great Looking Model! /_p=3412 /_p=3412#comments Mon, 07 Mar 2016 02:48:11 +0000 /_p=3412 Philippe Dumas is a 60 years old (excuse us for stating the obvious!) hottie who caught our eye on Instagram. Since it’s not everyday that we run into older models that are so good-looking and in such good shape, we decided to ask the man himself how he does it. Read on below to find out!

1. Please tell our readers about your background in the film and entertainment industry up until now.

I am 60 year old since July 27. During 20 years I have be working in the movie business as a location and unit manager. 

I used to work with famous French directors such as Patrice Chereau, Cedric Klapish, Benoit Jacquot etc… Then after that for 10 years I worked in the advertising business as a production coordinator. 6 months ago since the company I worked wit bankrupted, I had to think of finding a new job. I grew my beard longer. That was when people got interested in my look. I joined 6 agencies: Urban talents, Vip, Profil, John Doe, Master and Wanted and started modeling. Many photographers contact me to do tests or for different projects. At the end of January i have an interesting part in a video clip for electronic music. 3 days shoot. My career as a senior model is young but it starts well. I have great expectations. 


2. How and when did modelling happen?

7 months ago after the company I was working in bankrupted I had to think about getting a job in another one. As you should no 60 yo is kinda old in this business so I decided to quit the production business to modelling. That was a challenge . Fortunately new faces on the modelling market are very welcome and my beard was a plus since it is very trendy in Europe at the moment. After visiting some modelling agencies i was booked by VIP agency, Wanted, Masters, John Doe, Urban talents and Profil.


3. How do you cope with the strict lifestyle that comes with being a model?

We have to be very careful when getting to an older age not to be overwhelmed by the transformation happening to the body. It’s necessary not to give up and keep the same activities and life routine as when younger. This leads us to the following question.

4. What kind of diet/ exercise routine do you have to follow, being 60 years in age?

I go to the gym 5 days a week doing weight lifting for the muscles, cardio for the heart and some ballet dancing for the fun and a good body posture. Regarding my diet, I love food but I have to be very careful not to put too much weight on so I try to eat healthy but sometimes I fall for a nice and juicy hamburger full of carbs. No smoke. Alcohol is just a way to me to socialize.

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5. Do you feel the strain of keeping up with the fast paced fashion industry, health-wise?

No strain here. I love fashion and its fast pace but we should not forget that fashion is a circle and very often it takes ideas from the past. Never get rid of clothes  it will become trendy again. 

6. You must have younger men coming up to you for style advice all the time. What do you tell those men?

Very often, thanks to my job, I am surrounded by young people either on a movie set or a shoot. At my great surprise most of the time they  compliment my look and ask for a selfie with me. Finally I keep thinking that getting older is not such a bad thing ;)

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7. Your beard seems to be your USP. How much time and effort does it take to maintain it? Do you have special products you use?

Thanks to my beard and thanks God it grows very well despite the fact I have no hair on the rest of my body. My beard makes me noticed and people recognize me because of it. It is not seldom that someone says to me I saw you there or weren’t you at this place the other day…. It makes me smile because most of the time they are right. 

Just like a woman pays a great attention to her hair I cherish my beard. I always feel like touching or caressing it. It’s very relaxing. I have to struggle with this envy no to do it too much though. Every morning I put some scented oil on it to make it silky and smooth then I comb it for the oil to fully impregnate it. This way my beard gets a shiny look. After each meal I wash it to be sure it’s perfectly clean. Once in a while during the day i use a little mustache horn comb to straighten it 

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8. Where do you see yourself 5 years down the line?

This is an interesting question but only God knows. The only thing I am sure of is that one must stay young in the head and struggle for the years not to take advantage of your body. What I also know  is  there will be always a need for a 65 yo man in good shape and feeling well in his body and mind.

You can follow Philippe Dumas on Instagram @dumphil. 

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Our Fashion Low-Down On The Oscars Red Carpet /_p=3396 /_p=3396#comments Fri, 04 Mar 2016 18:23:54 +0000 /_p=3396 Once “Spotlight” took home Best Picture at the Academy Awards, and the credits began to roll, we bid a bittersweet goodbye to this year’s much-buzzed-about awards season.

With a lackluster Golden Globes and a scandal-ridden Oscars, perhaps the one thing that tied the string of seemingly never-ending awards ceremonies for TV, music and movies was the red carpet fashion.

Between the glitzy Golden Globes, toned-down Critics’ Choice and SAG Awards, wild Grammys and glamorous Oscars, both lust-worthy styles and bizarre looks kept the fashion police busy. Read on to find out which celebs dazzled at the Oscars Red Carpet this year!

Cate Blanchett in Armani. Scientists have proven it is impossible to look at this dress and not gasp and then remain speechless for at least 10 seconds. We were pretty stumped for words while we soaked in the utter beauty of it.


Lady Gaga in Brandon Maxwell. For Gaga, this is a positively demure look. We think of this, in a way, like a Gaga-fied version of the Gwyneth Paltrow Tom Ford cape look from Oscars 2012 (which is a high compliment, of course).


Saoirse Ronan in Calvin Klein. Too glamorous for words.

88th Annual Academy Awards - Red Carpet Arrivals

Alicia Vikander in Louis Vuitton. Alicia Vikander — who has been the style icon of the season — surprised slightly with this yellow Louis Vuitton look. We’re not sure what exactly those — we’ll call them “sparkly caterpillars” — are on her dress, but she can do no wrong in our book. (We are slightly disappointed though she didn’t use the occasion to walk down the red carpet with boyfriend and fellow nominee Michael Fassbender.)


Charlize Theron in Dior. The Mad Max star was truly statuesque in a plunging red Christian Dior gown accessorized with a perfectly-placed diamond pendant.


Margot Robbie in Tom Ford. In a quite literal interpretation of Oscar, the blonde bombshell was a total knockout in plunging Tom Ford and Forevermark Diamonds.


Jennifer Lawrence in Dior. Lingerie-inspired Christian Dior had the Joy star winning for sultriest look of the night (and best blonde bob).


Olivia Munn in Stella McCartney. When flattery and form merge, a red carpet look lasts. Such is this apple red, one-shouldered Stella McCartney dress worn on the beautiful Olivia Munn, paired with Forevermark Diamonds. Minimalistic dressing at its absolute best.


Brie Larson in Gucci. The Best Actress nominee stepped onto the most important red carpet of her career thus far in a bold lapis blue custom Gucci by Alessandro Michele dress and waist-defining statement belt. Fashion star in the making, indeed.


Rooney Mara in Givenchy. Excuse us, we will be devoting the rest of our life to starting a religion around the cut-out in Rooney Mara’s dress.


Whose red carpet style took your breath away? Tell us in the comments below!


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10 Other Great Actors Who’ve Not Yet Bagged An Oscar /_p=3379 /_p=3379#comments Wed, 02 Mar 2016 18:42:12 +0000 /_p=3379 Some actors deliver great performances and get showered with awards. Others deliver great performances and just get hosed. We’re very glad Leonardo DiCaprio finally made it out of the latter list.

Of course, not everyone can win an Oscar; otherwise, the awards wouldn’t mean anything. But when you look at the actors and actresses who were denied an Oscar despite a record of consistently great work, you have to wonder what the Academy was thinking. Whether they were overshadowed or completely robbed, these are the brilliant actors who have never been honored with that much coveted gold statue.

1. Will Smith – This legendary actor (no pun intended) is one of the most celebrated actors out there. Many of us know Mr. Smith for his role as the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air or as one of his many, many action roles (Wild Wild West, Men In Black, I Am Legend, and more.) It may be surprising to learn that Will Smith has never won an Oscar, and before nominations were announced, it look like he might have had a shot at winning Best Actor for his role in the movie Concussion. While he was nominated for a Golden Globe this year, he lost out to DiCaprio, however, not even being nominated for an Oscar seemed like a huge snub on the part Academy. He has however, been nominated in the past, for his leading roles in Ali (2001) and the Pursuit of Happiness (2006).

Los Angeles World Premiere Of Warner Bros. Pictures "Focus"

2. Amy Adams – Before breaking into Oscar-worthy roles, Amy Adams was best known for taking roles nobody else wanted. However, she has come a long way since then, and has been nominated a total of five times! She was nominated best supporting actress four times, in 2006 for Junebug, 2009 for Doubt, 2011 for The Fighter, and in 2013 for The Master. At the 2014 Academy Awards, Amy Adams was nominated for Best Actress in a leading role for her role in American Hustle.

3. Johnny Depp – He has played so many roles at this point, you might not even know what he looks like. With roles as diverse as Edward Scissorhands, Captain Jack Sparrow, the Mad Hatter, and many, many, many more. He has been nominated three times, all for Best Actor, for his roles in Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl, Finding Neverland, and Sweeny Todd: The Barber of Fleet Street.

Premiere Of Lionsgate's "Mortdecai" - Arrivals

4. Glenn Close – Glenn Close has been nominated for an astounding six Oscars but has never managed to take one home with her. She is one of the most accomplished actress’s in Hollywood, but has never taken one of those cool little statues. She has been nominated for Best Supporting Actress and Best Actress three times each. Her best support actress nominations include The World According to Garp, The Big Chill, and The Natural. She was nominated for Best Actress for her work in Fatal Attraction, Dangerous Liaisons, and Albert Nobbs. However, our favorite Glenn Close role was Cruella de Vil in 101 Dalmatians. 


5. Viola Davis – Viola Davis is the type of actress that steals any scene she is involved in. She was nominated for Best Supporting Actress for Doubt, a movie in which she was only in a single scene. She was also nominated for Best Leading Actress for her role in The Help but lost out to Meryl Streep’s Iron Lady. She has, however, won several Tony awards, and she won a Primetime Emmy for How To Get Away With Murder. Her next role, Amanda Waller in DC Comic’s Suicide Squad, will probably not win her any awards, as superhero movies don’t tend to be nominated for these kinds of things.


6. Ralph Fiennes – Though probably best known for his role as Lord Voldemort in the Harry Potter saga (alongside Helena Bonham Carter), Fiennes has played roles ranging from M in some of the James Bond films to M. Gustave in the Grand Budapest Hotel. Fiennes has been nominated for an Oscar twice, Best Leading Actor for The English Patriotand Best Supporting Actor for Schindler’s List.


7. Helena Bonham Carter – Keeping with our theme of Tim Burton’s favorite people, Johnny Depp’s constant co-star, Helena Bonham Carter has also never won an Academy Award. She has 88 acting credits to her name and has been nominated for seven Golden Globes, three Emmy’s, and two Oscars, and has never won any of them! Either she has really, really bad luck, or the people behind award ceremonies hate her. She was nominated for Best Supporting Actress for The King’s Speech and Best Actress forThe Wings of the Dove. She didn’t even get a nod for Harry Potter, which we consider travesty!


8. Hugo Weaving – Among the geek-side of the universe, there is no actor more deserving of an Oscar than Hugo Weaving, playing roles such as V in V for Vendetta, The Red Skull in Captain America: The First Avenger, Elrond in the Lord of the Rings and Agent Smith in The Matrix. The only reason Mr. Weaving hasn’t won an Oscar before is he doesn’t make “Oscar” movies, he provides amazing performances that could easily beat many of the Oscar nominees, however, the Academy hardly recognizes Fantasy and Science Fiction movies, which is a key reason why Star Wars: The Force Awakens was forgotten for the Best Picture award. However, anyone who has seen Hugo Weaving act, knows he’s one of the best actors around.


9. Tom Cruise – Heartthrob Tom Cruise has been nominated for three Oscars, but lost out to tough competition, including the likes of Daniel Day-Lewis and Michael Caine. He was nominated for his roles in Born on the Fourth of July, Jerry Maguire,and Magnolia.

EE British Academy Film Awards 2015 - Winners Room

10 Bradley Cooper – This hottie has been nominated for the Academy for a total of three times – for Silver Linings Playbook, American Hustle and American Sniper. If it were upto us, we’d give him an Oscar for playing the sassy Rocket in Guardians of the Galaxy even. But we can only hope he bags the golden guy soon enough.





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Books That Caught Our Attention At JLF 2016 /_p=3367 /_p=3367#comments Tue, 26 Jan 2016 15:23:07 +0000 /_p=3367 The world’s largest literature festival, held every year at Jaipur’s Diggi Palace, saw a crowd like no other in its 9th year of running. Jaipur Lit Fest 2016 housed a great many number of books and literary works by the best of authors, new releases and old publications alike. We made a list of noteworthy titles that made our reading list for this year.


1. The Lazarus Project by Aleksander Hemon – On March 2, 1908, nineteen-year-old Lazarus Averbuch, an Eastern European Jewish immigrant, was shot to death on the doorstep of the Chicago chief of police and cast as a would-be anarchist assassin.
A century later, a young Eastern European writer in Chicago named Brik becomes obsessed with Lazarus’s story. Brik enlists his friend Rora — a war photographer from Sarajevo — to join him in retracing Averbuch’s path.
Through a history of pogroms and poverty, and a prism of a present-day landscape of cheap mafiosi and even cheaper prostitutes, the stories of Averbuch and Brik become inextricably intertwined, creating a truly original, provocative, and entertaining novel that confirms Aleksandar Hemon as one of the most dynamic and essential literary voices of our time.


2. Corduroy Mansions series by Alexander McCall Smith – Corduroy Mansions is the affectionate nickname given to a genteel, crumbling mansion block in London’s vibrant Pimlico neighborhood and the home turf of a captivating collection of quirky and altogether McCall-Smithian characters. There’s the middle-aged wine merchant William, who is trying to convince his reluctant twenty-four-year-old son, Eddie, to leave the nest; and Marcia, the boutique caterer who has her sights set on William. There’s also the (justifiably) much-loathed Member of Parliament Oedipus Snark; his mother, Berthea, who’s writing his biography and hating every minute of it; and his long-suffering girlfriend, Barbara, a literary agent who would like to be his wife (but, then, she’d like to be almost anyone’s wife). There’s the vitamin evangelist, the psychoanalyst, the art student with a puzzling boyfriend and Freddie de la Hay, the Pimlico terrier who insists on wearing a seat belt and is almost certainly the only avowed vegetarian canine in London. Filled with the ins and outs of neighborliness in all its unexpected variations, Corduroy Mansions showcases the life, laughter and humanity that have become the hallmarks of Alexander McCall Smith’s work.


3.  Me Laxmi, Me Hijra – Flamboyant transgender rights activist Laxmi Narayan Tripathi is proud of her sexuality and claims to be “a woman who can put all other women to shame.” “Me Hijra Me Laxmi,” the new English translation of her autobiography, written by R. Raj Rao, launched at the New Delhi World Book Fair was one book she says she never imagined writing. The book is already in publication in Marathi and Gujarati. She was the first transgender person to represent Asia Pacific at the United Nations and has represented her community and India on several international platforms including the World AIDS conference in Toronto. She currently runs Astitva, an organisation for the support and development of sexual minorities. The autobiography is a narrative of her ordeal of becoming a hijra by choice, and her subsequent journey of fighting against tremendous odds for the recognition of her community.


4. The Sialkot Saga by Ashwin Sanghi – This book is the labour of my love,’ Sanghi explained as he unveiled the novel’s cover for the first time, on Day 3 of JLF. The story is a depiction of the bond between two men of different religious beliefs, set against the backdrop of the India-Pakistan partition in 1947: ‘Some will read it as a story about a feud while others as that about great friendship,’ Sanghi said. He then treated the rapt audience to a teaser extract, which hinted of an intriguing tale about a powerful secret going all the way back to the time of Mauryan Emperor Ashoka. Sanghi’s shared his insight into what makes a great thriller novel: ‘Three things make for a compelling story: the first paragraph of the book should suck you in, the last paragraph of each chapter must force you to read the next, and the last paragraph of the book should make you want to wait for the writer’s next work.’ A great novel, Sanghi added, is not one where the reader turns the pages, but where the pages turn themselves.

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5. Tales of The City by Armistead Maupin – For more than three decades, Armistead Maupin’s Tales of the City has blazed its own trail through popular culture—from a groundbreaking newspaper serial to a classic novel, to a television event that entranced millions around the world. The first of six novels about the denizens of the mythic apartment house at 28 Barbary Lane, Tales is both a sparkling comedy of manners and an indelible portrait of an era that changed forever the way we live. The series opens with the arrival of Mary Ann Singleton, a naive young woman from Cleveland, Ohio, who is visiting San Francisco on vacation when she impulsively decides to stay. She finds an apartment at 28 Barbary Lane, the domain of the eccentric, marijuana-growing landlady Anna Madrigal. Mary Ann becomes friends with other tenants of the building: the hippyish bisexual Mona Ramsey; heterosexual lothario Brian Hawkins; the sinister and cagey roof tenant Norman Neal Williams; and Michael Tolliver, a sweet and personable gay man known to friends as Mouse (as in Mickey Mouse).


6. Chanakya’s Chant by Ashwin Sanghi – The year is 340 BC. A hunted, haunted Brahmin youth vows revenge for the gruesome murder of his beloved father. Cold, calculating, cruel and armed with a complete absence of accepted morals, he becomes the most powerful political strategist in Bharat and succeeds in uniting a ragged country against the invasion of the army of that demigod, Alexander the Great. Pitting the weak edges of both forces against each other, he pulls off a wicked and astonishing victory and succeeds in installing Chandragupta on the throne of the mighty Mauryan empire.
History knows him as the brilliant strategist Chanakya. Satisfied—and a little bored—by his success as a kingmaker, through the simple summoning of his gifted mind, he recedes into the shadows to write his Arthashastra, the ‘science of wealth’. But history, which exults in repeating itself, revives Chanakya two and a half millennia later, in the avatar of Gangasagar Mishra, a Brahmin teacher in smalltown India who becomes puppeteer to a host of ambitious individuals—including a certain slumchild who grows up into a beautiful and powerful woman.
Modern India happens to be just as riven as ancient Bharat by class hatred, corruption and divisive politics and this landscape is Gangasagar’s feasting ground. Can this wily pandit—who preys on greed, venality and sexual deviance—bring about another miracle of a united India?


7. Swimmer Among The Stars by Kanishk Tharoor – Elephant at Sea opens this debut collection of dozen deftly wrought short stories, titled Swimmer Among the Stars, by a refreshingly profound and gifted 31-year-old writer. It starts on a humorous note when the Indian official at the embassy receives a perplexing telegram intimating him that an elephant is enroute. He even mulls the possibility of it being a code. Then it slowly suffuses a tragic and complex hue as the elephant, accompanied by its mahout, land on the unfamiliar shore. As they embark on the lonely voyage to the capital, the man and animal, two strangers in a strange land, their delicate fate distend. In the short story lending the title to the collection, Swimmer Among the Stars, “the last speaker of a language” is being interviewed by a group of ethnographers. The woman finds it strange to listen to the sounds of her mouth. “You must understand she says, my memory is preserved better than a lemon, it is difficult to remember which words are my own and which words are not.” In The Fall of an Eyelash, Forlough’s family help smuggle her out of the country, a desert, to a place which is “green and made from clean lines for safety”. She’s homesick. In this strange land, the new people admire her courage and keep asking her to repeat her story, not realising “that while an exile can escape her country, she can never escape her exile.” Slowly she learns the new customs. She discovers how wishes can come true from fallen eyelashes. The story, Kanishk says, is loosely inspired by the life of a family friend. Although it was written long before the Syrian refugee crisis, it finds a particular resonance in the present context. One of the haunting allures of Swimmer Among the Stars is that the stories are not only intricately knit, but in them the grazed walls of literary conventions fold and merge. Death and destruction recur as grim reminders that the world is always ending for someone, somewhere.


8. An Unsuitable Boy (Karan Jaohar’s biography by Poonam Saxena) – An Unsuitable Boy, co-authored by Johar and Poonam Saxena, is a frank and riveting account of the Johar’s life, including his relationship with his famous father, the film-maker Yash Johar. Johar described harrowing experiences of being bullied for his mannerisms by friends at school and in the “snooty” South Bombay colony where he lived. Having worked for over twenty years in the film industry and made many successful movies like Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham, Kal Ho Na Ho, My Name is Khan and Student of the Year as well as taking home-production house Dharma Productions to new heights, Johar observed that the film industry has changed a lot: ‘It’s more detached… corporatized now, led by big ambitions. Earlier, films were a product of inter-relationships of film-makers, actors, musicians and other stake holders. Now, we are made to produce cut-throat cinema, which has no space for personal bonding.’ Johar’s first appearance at the ZEE Jaipur Literature Festival was a thrilling insight into the film-maker’s world. The star, who rarely gives interviews, spoke with riveting candour about his journey from a bullied young boy to one of the most successful directors in India today. We are looking forward to reading his book!


Leave us your thoughts in the comments section below!




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Movies To Look Forward To In 2016 /_p=3342 /_p=3342#comments Thu, 07 Jan 2016 11:15:00 +0000 /_p=3342 We give you the low down on the movies that are most likely to be blockbusters this year.

The next 12 months look great for Sci-Fi and Fantasy geeks. It’s a big year for superhero smackdowns as Marvel’s Captain America and Iron Man get into it, while DC’s Batman and Superman go head-to-head too. The X-Men take on Apocalypse, and the Suicide Squad takes down the Joker, while Deadpool, Doctor Strange and Gambit all have their own adventures. That comic book bubble ain’t bursting in the next 12 months, it seems. Meanwhile, Star Trek and Star Wars are blasting out of hyperspace with “Star Trek Beyond,” co-written by Simon Pegg, and the first Star Wars spin-off, “Rogue One.”

And it’s time to return to more beloved titles of the past too. There’s a new, rebooted “Ghostbusters,” not to mention belated sequels to “Independence Day” and “Finding Nemo.” Jason Bourne is back in action, as are the teen heroes of “Divergent.” JK Rowling takes us back to Harry Potter’s wizarding world in “Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them,” while classic novels “The BFG” and “Alice Through the Looking Glass” get the big-screen treatment. So does the Jane Austen classic “Pride and Prejudice” — with the addition of a few zombies, of course.Gaming fans can console themselves with movies based on “Assassin’s Creed,” “World of Warcraft” and, er, “Angry Birds.”

1. Superman VS. Batman: Dawn of Justice – In another superhero scrap, DC’s man of steel, Henry Cavill, faces off against dark knight Ben Affleck in Zack Snyder’s in “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.” Also along for the ride are Amy Adams as Lois Lane, Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor, Jeremy Irons as Alfred the butler and Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman.


2. Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them – Expecto a new adventure in the magical world of “Harry Potter,” based on the story by JK Rowling. Eddie Redmayne is Newt Scamander, a wizard hunting magical creatures in 1920s New York.


3. Star Trek Beyond – Simon Pegg is on co-writing duties, and “Fast and Furious” director Justin Lin directs the action at warp speed for the third in the rebooted Trek series. Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto and Zoe Saldana are joined on their continuing mission to explore strange new worlds by Idris Elba and “Kingsman” star Sofia Boutella.


4. Pride + Prejudice + Zombies – Former “Doctor Who” star Matt Smith mashes up Jane Austen and the undead.


5. Deadpool – Hotly anticipated comic book action with Ryan Reynolds as the fast-talking “merc with a mouth,” Wade Wilson. Oscar-winning animator Tim Miller, the man behind the stylish opening sequences of “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo” and “Thor: The Dark World,” makes his directorial debut. Very adult carnage ensues.


6. X-Men: Apocalypse – The ninth X-Men movie sees Marvel’s heroes face off against Apocalypse, the first and most powerful mutant, played by “Star Wars” star Oscar Isaac (pictured above with blue on his face). James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender and Jennifer Lawrence lead the cast of multiple mutants.


7. Doctor Strange – People are strange as Benedict Cumberbatch takes on the role of Marvel’s mystical medic, joined by Chiwetel Ejiofor, Rachel McAdams, Mads Mikkelsen and Tilda Swinton.


8. Bourne 5 – Matt Damon is Bourne again, with Paul Greengrass back in the director’s chair for more amnesiac action adventure. Tommy Lee Jones joins “Ex Machina” star Alicia Vikander.


9. The Jungle Book – Disney continues its run of live action-ifying its library of animated classics. Jon Favreau directs with Bill Murray, Ben Kingsley, Idris Elba, Lupita Nyong’o, Scarlett Johansson and Christopher Walken lending their voices.


10. Alice Through The Looking Glass – This one’s a sequel to Tim Burton’s movie “Alice in Wonderland” based on the Lewis Carroll classic, starring Mia Wasikowska, with Helena Bonham Carter, Anne Hathaway and Johnny Depp as the Mad Hatter. Stephen Fry, Alan Rickman, Michael Sheen and Barbara Windsor lend their voices.


11. Finding Dory – Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water, Ellen DeGeneres is back as absent-minded Dory with Albert Brooks in the animated sequel to “Finding Nemo.”


12. The Angry Birds Movie – Remember Angry Birds? “Game of Thrones” star Peter Dinklage is joined by “Saturday Night Live” stars Jason Sudeikis, Maya Rudolph and Bill Hader as they lend their voices to the big-screen animated versions of the furious fowl from 2009’s most vexed mobile game.


13. The Finest Hours – Chris Pine and Casey Affleck face disaster on the high seas in this 3D recounting of the true-life Pendleton rescue of 1952, when US Coast Guard crewmen heroically battled to save the crews of two stricken oil tankers.

The Finest Hours

14. Snowden – Firebrand director Oliver Stone directs Joseph Gordon-Levitt in the true-life story of Edward Snowden, the former CIA employee who leaked classified information about government surveillance to the media. Zachary Quinto and Nicolas Cage co-star.

Joseph Gordon-Levitt & Shailene Woodley Film "Snowden"

15. Captain America: Civil War – If there’s any film that could beat the long awaited Captain America: Civil War, then you’re welcome to point it out to us. Between the clash of Tony Stark and Steve Rogers’ opposing ideologies, and the fact that this is shaping up to be theAvengers flick we wished we got last year, The Russo Brothers have a money printer on their hands. Not only is the box office pre-loaded for this flick, but it’s also got the potential to be the highest grossing Captain America film ever. And that sits with us just fine.


16. Fan – Fan is one of the most anticipated movies of 2016 starring King of romance Shahrukh Khan and produced under the banner of Yash Raj Films.


17. Raees – Raees is one of the most anticipated movies of 2016 under the banners of Excel Entertainment, Red Chillies Entertainment. Mahira Khan plays the lead female role. This will mark the debut of the Pakistani actress in Bollywood. The movie tells the story of a cruel and clever bootlegger whose business is thwarted by a tough policeman.


18. Airlift – Airlift is an upcoming Indian action thriller movie. The film is based on biggest evacuation of Indians based in Kuwait during the Iraq-Kuwait War.


19. Jagga Jasoos – Jagga Jasoos is an upcoming Indian comedy drama movie. The movie tells the story of a teenage detective in search of his missing father.


20. Sultan – Sultan is one of the much awaited movies of 2016 starring Salman Khan as a wrestler.


Other Bollywood movies that we await with bated breath are Aamir Khan’s Dangal (Christmas 2016), Ashutosh Gowarikar’s epic romance Mohenjo Daro and Karan Johar’s Shuddhi.

What will you be watching in 2016? Tell us in the comments below!






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The Best and Worst Trends Of 2015 /_p=3326 /_p=3326#comments Sat, 02 Jan 2016 18:05:39 +0000 /_p=3326 Another year, another set of new trends coming in. As we welcome the new year ahead, we look back at 2015’s high and lows in fashion. Which trends do we take with us to the next year and which should we retire immediately?


One Earring – The runways this year mandated for you to choose a generously sized pair of earrings with a strange catch: just wear one of them. But the feeling is weird and, for bystanders who are not fashionably inclined, they’d just think, “Did she forget to put her other earring?” or worse, “Poor girl. She lost her earring.” We don’t want that, do we?


Furry Soled Shoes – Comfortable? Probably. Worth looking like you slid stuffed animals into your mules? Probably not.


Too-Micro Bags -When we said miniature bags are in next year, we didn’t mean ridiculously teeny-tiny handbags. You know, the types that are only acceptable if worn by Barbie dolls? These bags are cute for sure but what’s the point of even bringing one if you can barely fit your phone in it?


Elongated Sleeves – Céline and Stella McCartney introduced the “super sleeves,” with lengths that extend beyond your hands. Chic as they may look on the runways, we think you should still prioritize dexterity over anything else.


Sarong Pants – The giveaway is in the name. Is it a sarong? Is it a pant? The objects in question have a slice of fabric cut diagonally across the front of the pants, and tie on the side of the waist, just like a sarong. Only they’re pants. It’s the equivalent of wearing a sarong skirt over a pair of pants, so if you really want to buy into the bizarre trend without forking over $1000 on a designer pair, you can just do that.



Boudoir Dressing – Gone are the days when sexy silk dresses were just meant for the bedroom. This year, brands like Balenciaga and Céline allowed them to see the light of day. We can see you making that come-hither look with extra style mileage until next year and probably beyond, even!


A-line Mini Skirts – Worn atop bare legs or tights, they’re seasonless and leg-lengthening: a winning combo.


Bare Shoulders – This year’s erogenous zone of choice is your shoulder area. Off-shoulder dresses, bikini tops, and bandage tops are the pieces that took the forefront all year-long. Who knew that our very shoulders, which we often tend to hide, are actually a secret asset we should continue showing off?


Nerdy Bohemian – Did Gucci just become the newest trendsetter of the year? Ever since Alessandro Michele joined the famed Italian brand, nerdy bohemian has gotten everyone excited all-year round. Think ruffled floral dresses styled with geeky frames and berets and printed suits matched with loafers and brightly hued ties. Yes, Alessandro is actually the best thing that happened to fashion this 2015.


Monochrome and Neutrals – If we were to look at the street style outfits of the stars, we’d be bombarded with tons of monochromatic looks and chic neutrals. Real-life dressing has been pared down and it’s never looked this enticing to wear! Kendall Jenner made white and beige the coolest color palette and many rocked black-on-black à la Gigi Hadid. Amid the maximalist trends of the year, subtle fashion choices will continue to rule the streets well into the next few months.


Ponchos – Cozy and statement-making, we pray that these guys stay around for years to come. (Not least because we’re this close to justifying the investment of a midnight suede fringe situation.)


Culottes – We’ve said it time and time again: Culottes might be the perfect pants. They can be dressed up or dressed down, and the billowy breeze isn’t half bad.


Dhoti Pants – One of the absolute best trends of Indian occasion-wear. We now have a refreshingly different choice of clothing to pick instead of the classic Lehenga and Palazzos. Come wedding season, you can bet we’ll be pairing our cholis, kurtas and crop tops with super stylish dhoti pants, for the ultimate chic effect.


What was your favorite trend of 2015 and which one you’d rather leave behind in the year past? Tell us in the comments section below!



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2015: The Year In Terms Of Fashion /_p=3314 /_p=3314#comments Thu, 31 Dec 2015 13:34:21 +0000 /_p=3314 The great fashion circus somersaulted its way through 2015, its merry-go-round spinning ever faster and its social media feeds ever more elastic. We tell you what stood out amid this year’s silk-draped, star-spangled carnival!

Gucci achieved total front-row domination. When Alessandro Michele took the reins at the house the horse-bit loafer built in January, Gucci was widely regarded as having lost its oomph, creatively and commercially. Jump ahead one season, and the newly renovated store in Milan was being pillaged by rampaging editors, and seemingly half of the front row was turned out in looks from Michele’s debut collection, from his kangaroo-fur-lined house slipper loafers to his green and burgundy floral suits. The month of January also saw the catwalk comeback of John Galliano who staged his first show for Margiela in London, where the only scandal was the late arrival of Kate Moss.


Caitlyn Jenner and Taraji P. Henson raised the celebrity style stakes. With Caitlyn Jenner’s Zac Posen bustiers and her Versace gown, her emergence as a fashion figure and her embrace of old-school glamour spurred a new debate about what it means to be “feminine.” At the same time, dominating the small screen and the red carpet was Taraji P. Henson, whose breakthrough character, Cookie Lyon of “Empire,” unabashedly embraced hi-bling (Moschino, Versace and Tom Ford), while the actress portraying her strutted her own brand of understated, streetwise cool.


Age did not affect influence. One of the fastest movers of product turned out to be Princess Charlotte. The latest addition to the British royal family proved she was as much a fashion influencer as her mother and older brother, causing a sellout in smocked floral dresses by the Spanish label M & H when her latest pictures appeared, much as Prince George did for Rachel Riley smocked rompers and Petit Bateau overalls. Malia Obama was a close runner-up, proving it’s not just Disney stars who set the tone for the younger set. Can Saint West be far behind?


Gender nonconformity went from reality to runway. The divide between menswear and womenswear is seeming ever more pointless, as labels like Vetements, Telfar and Public School mix boys and girls on the runway and in the wardrobe. Fashion reflects society, after all, and we are in a gender-nonconformist age. Why shouldn’t all consumers be able to dress the part? And this is no fad: Pantone’s color of 2016 is a duo – rose quartz and serenity – where pink fades into blue and vice versa.


There was an earthquake in French fashion. Alexander Wang and Balenciaga agreed to part ways after three years, Wang to concentrate on his own brand, and Balenciaga to hire Demna Gvasalia, the frontman of the in-your-face upstart collaborative Vetements, known for its gritty Margiela-influenced deconstructed streetwear. In October, the fashion industry was rocked by the news that Raf Simons was bowing out at Dior as artistic director after three and a half years for “personal reasons”, leaving the in-house design team to hold the fort, a tactic that is now quite familiar within the industry. And there were varying degrees of hysteria when the perennially affable designer Alber Elbaz left Lanvin under a cloud in the same month.



Generational change hit New York. The big three that defined and dominated New York fashion for decades (Donna, Ralph and Calvin) are down to one – or maybe even 0.75. This was the year Donna Karan joined Calvin Klein in jumping off the hamster wheel, although unlike Klein, Karan was not replaced, and her namesake main line is no more. Instead, LVMH, the owner of Donna Karan International, has doubled down on DKNY, appointing Maxwell Osborne and Dao-Yi Chow, the buzzy designers of Public School, to the label.

Fast fashion became a hot mess. It was an annus horribilis for the old American standbys Gap, Abercrombie & Fitch and J. Crew, with falling sales and what seemed like a disappearing consumer base. The bright spot was Target, which broke the Internet with its Lilly Pulitzer limited edition, as did H&M with its Alexander Wang and Balmain collaborations.


Nudity was the new black (tie). From the Met Gala to the Grammys, the newsmaking looks on the red carpet looked awfully see-through. Beyoncé, J. Lo, Kim Kardashian and Miley Cyrus duked it out in the barely-dressed stakes, suggesting that when it came to statement-making entrances, less was more.

Beyonce arrives at the 2015  Metropolita

It’s a Darwinian fashion world out there, and not every brand survives. This was the year we said farewell to Band of Outsiders, as well as the namesake labels of Reed Krakoff, Kris von Assche and Jonathan Saunders. Marc by Marc Jacobs was absorbed into Marc Jacobs, and Burberry London, Burberry Brit and Burberry Prorsum are being merged into Burberry.

Band Of Outsiders Women's - Presentation - Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Fall 2014

Finally special mention goes to Rihanna, whose services to fashion reached a high watermark in May of this year when she wore that brilliantly memorable omelette dress by Chinese designer Guo Pei to the Met Ball and became the first black woman to be the face of Dior. Both historic moments that 2015 should be thankful for.



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Best Cinematic Experiences of 2015 /_p=3294 /_p=3294#comments Tue, 29 Dec 2015 08:31:40 +0000 /_p=3294 From Inside Out to Bajrangi Bhaijaan, here’s the list of movies that utterly charmed us in 2015!

45 Years – The history of film contains many great ruminations on marriage, and yet every new year seems to bring another must-see on the topic. Haigh, whose terrific gay romance Weekend led to the equally great TV series Looking, turns his eye to a love story nearing its end in 45 Years, following a couple in the week leading up to their 45th anniversary party. Shortly before the celebration, the body of the husband’s long-lost girlfriend is found, perfectly preserved, in a mountain crevasse, and all of the little cracks and fissures in the marriage begin to open up. Charlotte Rampling and Tom Courtenay are tremendous in the lead roles, with Rampling, in particular, conveying oceans of feeling in a mere glance.


Carol – Carol is a love story between two women in which the word “lesbian” is never once spoken. Both halves of that equation are important. Yes, it’s about two women who dare to fall in love in 1950s New York, and then dare to live out that love. But it’s also about how hard it can be to discuss these things when you don’t possess the words you might need to describe what you’re feeling. Long sections of this movie focus more on the powers of self-definition than anything else, as a young woman named Therese (Rooney Mara), who’s newly enraptured by the older Carol (Cate Blanchett) comes to realize just who she is. There’s something magical about that.


Clouds of Sils Maria – Here’s the movie Birdman thought it was — a thoughtful consideration of aging, Hollywood, and what it means to see a younger generation nipping at your heels, ready to replace you before you’re ready to go. Set mostly in a remote mountain home, Clouds of Sils Maria follows an aging actress (Juliette Binoche) and her harried assistant (Kristen Stewart) as they prepare for the actress to play the older woman in a revival of the play that made her famous as a young woman (when she played the younger role). This is a rich movie, about a great many things, but most of all, it’s about realizing you’re not invincible, that you, too, will someday become older but not quite wiser.


The Diary of a Teenage Girl – The best thing about The Diary of a Teenage Girl is how emotionally complicated it is. On the one hand, it’s the story of a young woman who is exploited and taken advantage of by her mother’s boyfriend. On the other hand, it’s a story about how she figured things out about herself because of the experience. The movie doesn’t make excuses for her statutory rapist, but it does attempt to understand his state of mind. And above all else, it digs deeply into the point of view of a girl in the full throes of adolescence, charting her every mood, emotion, and thought.


The Duke of Burgundy – Movies often shy away from sex, but they especially shy away from non-vanilla sex, usually depicting it as, at best, part of some weirdo underground fetish community that may or may not be into murdering people as well. The Duke of Burgundy, about two women in a dom/sub relationship who love to engage in power games for sexual pleasure, breaks that unfortunate tendency and sets about exploring the limits of the aging human body, the boundaries of love, and a whole bunch of other things. As the two women, Sidse Babett Knudsen (whom some will know from the lead role of the terrific Danish TV series Borgen) and Chiara D’Anna just might be the couple of the year.

duke-of-burgundy-007Inside Out – If any movie on this list seems destined to inspire like-minded smiles and nods of agreement, it’s Pixar’s latest confection, a wonderful journey inside the brain of an 11-year-old girl that manages to juggle three protagonists (on two planes of existence, no less), while telling completely involving emotional stories about all of them. By now you’re surely familiar with the film’s central motif of the five major emotions that run a console inside the girl’s brain. However, if you haven’t seen it, you might be surprised by how much deeper its premise goes, both in terms of fun visual gags — the dream studio is the best — and in terms of understanding of more complex, adult feelings.


Mad Max: Fury Road – It still seems crazy that one of the biggest critical sensations of the year essentially boils down to one gigantic car chase. Fury Road is a massive undertaking, one that director Miller seemingly assembled entirely from a humongous plan he was keeping in his head, but it’s also a riveting character drama, focused on the taciturn Max (Tom Hardy) and the Imperator Furiosa (Charlize Theron), the warrior woman he happens upon who’s trying to help several young concubines escape their imprisonment. Riveting, incendiary, and so much fun, this is the only movie of the year to feature an electric guitar that belches flame.


Tangerine – Nothing is as moving to us as simple acts of kindness, and some of 2015’s most touching onscreen moments appeared in this slice-of-life dramedy about two trans woman prostitutes who spend one Christmas Eve trying to track down the cisgender woman whom one of their boyfriends slept with. Along the way, Baker also wraps in the story of a cab driver and several other characters, until this tiny little movie feels like it features nearly all of its Los Angeles in its ensemble cast. Shot entirely on an iPhone, Tangerine could have easily become a message-driven but is, instead, about how hard it can be to just live life when everything else gets in the way.


Dum Laga Ke Haisha – A girl with weight issues. A ‘boy’ taking surly steps towards manhood. Director Sharat Katariya nails it. And both Ayushmann Khurrana as the reluctant groom, and Bhumi Pednekar as the ‘fat’ girl’, make this thing sing.


Drishyam – In times when Hindi cinema is embracing realism like never before, Nishikant Kamat’s version looks staged, reeks of unwarranted manipulation.On paper it belongs to Ajay but on screen it is Tabu who walks away with it.


Margarita With A Sraw – That people with disabilities are also people—with needs and wants—just like the rest of us, is a fact that stays shamefully unacknowledged. Under Shonali Bose’s astute baton, Kalki Koechlin does a great job of her wheel-chair bound protagonist who wants everything—bed bits and all– and leaves us smiling.


Bahubali – SS Rajamouli is a director who thinks not just big, but humungous. ‘Bahubali’ is an epic adventure, of the sort of scale and ambition Indian cinema has never witnessed. Can’t wait for part 2!


Masaan – Banaras is a pulsating character in Neeraj Ghaywan’s debut feature, which touches upon such weighty matters as life and death, society and repression, caste and class, grieving and healing. Deftly directed, from a sharp, mapping-the-terrain script by Varun Grover. And Vicky Kaushal is a great find.


Bajrangi Bhaijaan – Kabir Khan cobbles together an adorable little girl, Salman Khan as Being Hanuman, Nawazuddin as a bumbling TV reporter across the border, and rousing Indo-Pak bhaichara, and the subversive frisson created by a Muslim superstar playing a Ram bhakt in our time of ‘intolerance’. Mainstream cinema with definite smarts.


Piku – Shoojit Sircar presents a completely new situation in Hindi cinema—an irascible old man, played by Amitabh Bachchan, with twin obsessions: his bowel movements, and his unmarried daughter. Time for ‘filmi romance’ (between the lissome Deepika Padukone and Irrfan) to turn unconventional. And feel right!


Tell us about your favorite movie of 2015 in the comments section below!




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Fashion through the CAR WASH! /_p=3282 /_p=3282#comments Tue, 15 Dec 2015 15:46:44 +0000 /_p=3282 Pleats are heading back this season, as do most “new” trends. But what  we absolutely love about this latest iteration on the pleat is that it actually feels very new and that and it reminds of the fun of going to those drive-thru car washes. The trend of car wash skirts peaked around the ’90s and where pleats was an easy preppy piece, car wash skirts  quickly became the definition of sophistication at the time. Car wash skirts are perfect for achieving a flattering look to your legs no matter what kind of body type. The aptly-named carwash pleats have a flirty swing to them that is total street style catnip. So many fringe outfits and pieces have emerged in the fashion runway for fashion houses this year that there is not one single doubt that it is a head turner. The skirt has slits in panels that gives an automatic feminine feel to your outfit. Widely known designers and brands such as Tommy Hilfiger, Oscar de la Renta and of course, Christian Dior have incorporated this fashion element  to their runway collections. So why not, right?


Here are some new and fun outfit ideas for car wash skirts that you might want to try out now.

Create an easy and comfortable office outfit with car wash skirt by pairing it with a crisp short sleeved blouse and sleek strapped sandals. So go all-out sleek with your outfit, maybe have a car wash skirt made of leather. This way, the thick fringes themselves gives a lot of femininity to the outfit.


Throw  on a thick large sweater and a maxi car wash skirt with slits all the way to the top. It’s even more fabulous if the skirt is in a bold print. Pair the ensemble with neat white sneakers because it adds a lot to the casualness of the outfit without letting go of the chic factor.


A getup of bold printed blouse matched with a lightweight black car wash skirt and a bright heels can be  an ideal date outfit for the upcoming summer. The abstract prints of the blouse with hues of pink, purple and red and the bold colored heels gives off a flirty and playful feel while the neutral colored car wash skirt tones them down with a romantic vibe.


When sporting an all-out black or white outfit, donning a car wash skirt will add enough texture to the attire and you want that. While not entirely imperative, texture is something you want to consider putting in a monochromatic outfit so as not to make the ensemble too boring and bland.


You can also construct the “contrasting material” scheme with car wash skirt by putting on one that is made of something lightweight and breezy like cotton and matching that skirt with a top made of heavier material such as leather jackets and denim.


To take the oomph factor up, you can also have a car wash skirt wherein instead of slits in the pleats, there are sheer underlay. It’s super cute and sophisticated and sexy at the same time.


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