Stylearia » celeb interviews Tue, 21 Jun 2016 06:35:19 +0000 en-CA hourly 1 This 60 Year Old French Guy Is Also A Great Looking Model! /_p=3412 /_p=3412#comments Mon, 07 Mar 2016 02:48:11 +0000 /_p=3412 Philippe Dumas is a 60 years old (excuse us for stating the obvious!) hottie who caught our eye on Instagram. Since it’s not everyday that we run into older models that are so good-looking and in such good shape, we decided to ask the man himself how he does it. Read on below to find out!

1. Please tell our readers about your background in the film and entertainment industry up until now.

I am 60 year old since July 27. During 20 years I have be working in the movie business as a location and unit manager. 

I used to work with famous French directors such as Patrice Chereau, Cedric Klapish, Benoit Jacquot etc… Then after that for 10 years I worked in the advertising business as a production coordinator. 6 months ago since the company I worked wit bankrupted, I had to think of finding a new job. I grew my beard longer. That was when people got interested in my look. I joined 6 agencies: Urban talents, Vip, Profil, John Doe, Master and Wanted and started modeling. Many photographers contact me to do tests or for different projects. At the end of January i have an interesting part in a video clip for electronic music. 3 days shoot. My career as a senior model is young but it starts well. I have great expectations. 


2. How and when did modelling happen?

7 months ago after the company I was working in bankrupted I had to think about getting a job in another one. As you should no 60 yo is kinda old in this business so I decided to quit the production business to modelling. That was a challenge . Fortunately new faces on the modelling market are very welcome and my beard was a plus since it is very trendy in Europe at the moment. After visiting some modelling agencies i was booked by VIP agency, Wanted, Masters, John Doe, Urban talents and Profil.


3. How do you cope with the strict lifestyle that comes with being a model?

We have to be very careful when getting to an older age not to be overwhelmed by the transformation happening to the body. It’s necessary not to give up and keep the same activities and life routine as when younger. This leads us to the following question.

4. What kind of diet/ exercise routine do you have to follow, being 60 years in age?

I go to the gym 5 days a week doing weight lifting for the muscles, cardio for the heart and some ballet dancing for the fun and a good body posture. Regarding my diet, I love food but I have to be very careful not to put too much weight on so I try to eat healthy but sometimes I fall for a nice and juicy hamburger full of carbs. No smoke. Alcohol is just a way to me to socialize.

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5. Do you feel the strain of keeping up with the fast paced fashion industry, health-wise?

No strain here. I love fashion and its fast pace but we should not forget that fashion is a circle and very often it takes ideas from the past. Never get rid of clothes  it will become trendy again. 

6. You must have younger men coming up to you for style advice all the time. What do you tell those men?

Very often, thanks to my job, I am surrounded by young people either on a movie set or a shoot. At my great surprise most of the time they  compliment my look and ask for a selfie with me. Finally I keep thinking that getting older is not such a bad thing ;)

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7. Your beard seems to be your USP. How much time and effort does it take to maintain it? Do you have special products you use?

Thanks to my beard and thanks God it grows very well despite the fact I have no hair on the rest of my body. My beard makes me noticed and people recognize me because of it. It is not seldom that someone says to me I saw you there or weren’t you at this place the other day…. It makes me smile because most of the time they are right. 

Just like a woman pays a great attention to her hair I cherish my beard. I always feel like touching or caressing it. It’s very relaxing. I have to struggle with this envy no to do it too much though. Every morning I put some scented oil on it to make it silky and smooth then I comb it for the oil to fully impregnate it. This way my beard gets a shiny look. After each meal I wash it to be sure it’s perfectly clean. Once in a while during the day i use a little mustache horn comb to straighten it 

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8. Where do you see yourself 5 years down the line?

This is an interesting question but only God knows. The only thing I am sure of is that one must stay young in the head and struggle for the years not to take advantage of your body. What I also know  is  there will be always a need for a 65 yo man in good shape and feeling well in his body and mind.

You can follow Philippe Dumas on Instagram @dumphil. 

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A Sneak Peak Into A Model’s Life /_p=3156 /_p=3156#comments Sun, 15 Nov 2015 08:55:10 +0000 /_p=3156 Avid Instagram-mer, Sicilian model-turned-designer Roberta Tirrito gets candid with Style Aria about her brand Ladiessmokly, recently made available to shop in India, and her beauty and fitness secrets! Read on to find out how Roberta manages to stay pretty!

1. Tell our readers more about your label Ladiessmokly that’s been newly launched in India.

I created Ladiessmokly last April, I wanted to create something that reflected my signature style and basically something I usually wear. These dresses are not everyday wear but party dresses for special outings when girls like to dress it up – like going to the club or a romantic date! My thought behind this was that “good dresses take you good places” and this is I want to express in my clothing line. Most of the names of these dresses are towns I have visited.


2. How do you maintain your delightful curves? Tell us about your workout regime!

I love going to the gym and sweating it out 3 times a week there, but I never overdo it. I believe every girl must feel comfortable with her body without overexertions and I feel the same way! I eat anything I want, obviously with some nominal care, but I focus mostly on eating healthy. Eating is such a pleasure, I’d never give it up!


3. How influential do you feel social media (Facebook & Instagram specifically) is with concern to the success of your brand?

In the present times, social media is the most important way to showcase your talent, your personality and your abilities to a much wider audience. The success of my brand is absolutely based on this. Larger accessibility is everything to an online selling brand. Facebook and especially Instagram gives me that. Nowadays, girls need fashion and style inspiration, they go on Instagram! And it’s so much easier to shop online – so much more variety with countless brands selling!


4. What is the secret to your flawless skin?

I often use coffee scrub and hydrating cremes. One time a week I use masks for my face – they are necessary for rejuvenation. During winter months, I love using coconut oil because I think it works great on so many levels like toning, lightening scars and hydrating the facial skin.


5. Do you follow a particular diet that helps enhance your glow?

My only diet – that I strictly stick to – is eating healthy food six days out of seven. People shouldn’t focus too much on what they eat or follow some set diet. I think if you eat healthy food you won’t gaining weight the wrong way and you will feel good about your body and self!


6. What would be a few useful makeup tips that you could give our readers?

I really love make-up and I am literally addicted to so many products!For me, an absolute must for the lips is Bobby Brown lipgloss, my favourite color is light pink or nude. And I like Mac beauty products too, i think they are the highest quality love you can give to your skin – especially for foundations and face powder.


You can check out Roberta Tirrito’s range of clothing HERE. Also, you can follow her on her social media.

Instagram: @robertatirrito, @ladiessmokly

Leave us your thoughts in the comments section below!


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Instagrammer you’ll Instantly love- Arantza Cendejas /_p=2971 /_p=2971#comments Wed, 23 Sep 2015 16:47:24 +0000 /_p=2971 When it comes to the present day enigma of social media, it is not about whether we do it or not but more about how well we do it! One can argue that these platforms are just about promoting and talking about “Me”, yet there are few who use the visibility to inspire and set a motivational example.

Style Aria is cheering Arantza Cendejas  -one of the famous faces on instagrams with a huge follower-ship. With her constant style inspiration and fashion photos, Arantza keeps her admirers asking for more. Be it travel or just a day out in the sun, this fashion femme knows how to work it. Instagram has taken connecting and socializing on a different level. The platform is more about delivering an experience without words.

We bring her feature interview, loaded with the fashionista’s style and tips for a great instagram throne she rightly reigns.


You surely come across as a traveler in style . Do you have a favorite city or place, that you would love to travel to?

I do try to travel as much as I can. One of my favorite places in the US that I have been is Colorado. Anything that has to do with mountains and hiking and outdoors is absolutely my favorite! However my DREAM place to visit in this world is Greece. I hope to fulfill that dream one day.

Your instagram selfies are beautiful and inspiring.IS there a makeup routine you follow before the pics? We would love to know some tips.

A lot of my pictures, just have my everyday natural look.Where it is nothing too heavy and I also don’t use “expensive make-up”. The only thing I do use are just drug store products. Some tips I would say do your make up how you feel comfortable. If its wearing no makeup, or wearing bright colors for your everyday look, then go for it! To me the definition of beauty is for a woman to feel comfortable in her skin. If it’s either looks then I say go for it. We are all different and have various looks, we just need to learn how to embrace each look and work it! I am working on developing a YouTube channel with makeup tutorials and fashion tips. Should keep an eye out, I will be launching it in the next few weeks.


 We love that most of your instagram pics are in a natural scene. How you choose your instagram backdrops?

I choose my background scenes based on the shoot that I want to do. For example if it’s a summer shoot I usually want to shoot in a place where there is a lot of “greens”. If it is a fall shoot, I love to shoot with trees and their colorful. If it’s just a casual look then any nature background would look great. I do drive around Houston to find spots.

Which category of Instagrams would you say has the most comments or follower-ship? why do you think that is?

I think that the category of Instagram that would have the most comments or fellowship are the pages that are unique and inspirational. I think that because those are the most powerful types of inspiration. People who are different and unique in their own ways. People who have an inspirational story and are wanting to make a change in this world.

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Who helps you take the captivating instagram pics when they aren’t selfies?

My younger sister is someone who has always helped me out through my whole life. She always takes my pictures and even gives me FANTASTIC ideas on fashion. She’s someone who is a great inspiration to me.

Your instagrams spotlights your flawless skin, any secrets you would like to share?

A secret I would like to share about my “spotlight flawless skin” is to ALWAYS see your lighting. Lighting can make a huge difference. Work the angle that does best to your skin.

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Your instagram follower-ship is ever increasing. What do you think attracts that kind of inspiration?

I think the type of inspiration I’m generating is that my page is simply who I am and being able to showcase my loves of this life. Whether its my cats, or makeup, or modeling I make sure it’s unique and unlike anything out there.

How much behind-the -scene work goes into your images on instagram?

Actually a lot of work does happen behind scenes on my Instagram pictures. When I do a shoot I take about 500 images and having to find a good one takes FOREVER! and then from there I ask for advice to my friends and family which one looks better and so on.

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Any latest fashion trend/ style you are following?

Not at this moment

What photo editing apps would you recommend for instagram pics?

A great app that I do use a lot if called “BeFunky” and another I do love to use is “PhotoCandy.” Two of my all time favorites.
Any exciting projects that you’re looking forward to this year ?

A huge project I am working on is launching my YouTube channel in the next few weeks. To give both fashion advice and makeup tutorials. I hope to launch it by the end of this year.


To follow Arantza :




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Fashion Blogger we are happily stalking- Lucrezia Trinca /_p=2864 /_p=2864#comments Tue, 15 Sep 2015 03:39:27 +0000 /_p=2864 Do you know the No. 1 rule of fashion? Always wear what you want to wear! Many a times, Style Aria stops to commend those, who not only live by the very motto, but even aspire and inspire.

Fashion in every sense has to reflect who you are, what you feel in the moment and where you are going. It doesn’t have to bright, doesn’t have to be loud-It just has to be “YOU”, believes our featured blogger, Lucrezia Trinca- creator of an inspirational style blog ” The Fashionbox”. Born and raised in the couture country of the world, Lucrezia hails her style roots from the magical city of Milan. From Browsing magazines as a kid to learning the knowledge behind it, Lucrezia has made her mark and follower ship in her favorite craft. She even quotes Fashion as being a universal language and an exemplary work of art, that takes you in and beyond thinking horizons.



We reached out the frequent instagrammer, who keeps her fans around the world updated and inspired with her stylish ensembles, travel diaries and food enigmas, for a quick chat about her fashion inhalation and story behind the blog.

If Lucrezia captured your style instincts like us, there are a numerous ways to keep up:


INSTAGRAM ID: lucreziatrinca

TWITTER:  LucreziaTrinca

FACEBOOK FAN PAGE: Lucrezia Trinca


What inspired you to create your own blog, could you give your own words to it?

I always had such a great passion for fashion, especially for style. You know, everyone has their own personal and individual style; preppy, radical, gypsy or pure fashion victims. I love to mix different styles and a create something truly unique and new, at least it’s what I’m trying to do. I’d like to propose the idea that something will always be considered the next season trend, while they still don’t know it! So basically the blog inspiration came from within me and myself, followed by every pretty thing that surrounds me.

What style icon inspires your fashion taste and flair?

Talking about the past I love that incredible genius mind of Diana Vreeland, she invented almost everything about fashion, she was the greatest style icon I’ve ever known ! Then Jane Birkin, with her simple elegance was my favorite between all! But I also love Audrey Hepburn, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis and Brigitte Bardot!




A must have wardrobe item, that is more like your signature wear?

An item every girl should definitely have in her closet is a pair of elegant wide black trousers, they are perfect for every kind of body shape, and they pair great from morning ( with some sneakers or a t’shirt) to the night, with heels, blazers and top!

What’s the best comment you’ve received on your blog?

Every day,  I receive many messages from my followers, they leave many comments, sometimes positive and sometimes negative;  I actually don’t know which was the best one yet, they were all appreciated, even the criticisms sometimes! But I always feel really pleased and gratified when they ask me advice about style and trends!

How do you keep it up creatively?

Creativity for me, comes from everywhere- you don’t need to seek it, it just comes to you!

You can get inspired by reading, travelling, watching movies, browsing on internet or simply by walking around! This is exactly what I do!


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Any post/posts that had an unexpected response? good or bad?

Every time I post something on the blog or on social medias my final purpose is always to inspire people and in turn make them curious, so bad or good the important is to make people talk about it, usually the responses are pretty good, but sometimes I have my share of bad responses. They are mainly focused on my thin physique , or sometimes about my poses in some pictures, I love what I do and do it with my heart-you know, you can’t make everybody like you!


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What aspect of fashion excites you the most?

Fashion is exciting itself, there’s no business industry like the fashion one! I truly love the creativity, the passion and the art that you can find in the fashion world, but what excites me the most is the strategy of the different brands, behind a white basic t-shirt, there’s much more: STRATEGY, STRATEGY, STRATEGY!

Who takes majority of the pictures that feature on your blog?

It depends, behind my pictures there are my friends or even my mom, I like to make people I love, part of this project and journey.


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What would you favorite fashion piece be at the moment ?

I have a strange thing with PVC, this winter it will be one of the greatest trend for sure! So the piece, I’m totally in love with is a pair of over knee boots, from Dior, which are made of pvc, they are amazing!!




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Fitness Fundas by Bikini Athlete Jelena Vasovic /_p=2808 /_p=2808#comments Thu, 10 Sep 2015 14:38:49 +0000 /_p=2808 We talked with acclaimed Serbian Bikini Athlete – Jelena Vasovic – about her fitness and diet, and what kind of workouts do not require us to hit the gym. Read on to find out!

1. Please tell our readers a bit about your background in fitness?

I am an International Bikini Fitness Competitor, International IFBB Certified Coach & Founder of my company Body&Mind by Jelena Vasovic. Since I was a young girl I got involved in various sports activities. At first in ballet, then gymnastics and figure ice-skating until 2004, when I started doing fitness and aerobics. In 2008 I became a Group Fitness Instructor, teaching Dance Aerobics, Bodytoning and Bodypump. Beginning 2012 I started to prepare for competitions in bodybuilding Bikini Fitness category. I had my first competition in Switzerland in October 2013, where I ranked 9th Place on the IFBB Internationale Herbstmeisterschaft (IFBB International Autumn Championship), and two weeks later I turned Vice Champion on the IFBB Swiss National Bikini Championship, finally achieving title of the state champion (first in Serbia). I am very honored and glad to compete for Serbia and have already started-off contest season 2015 successfully by ranking again Top 3 on the IFBB International Serbia Cup in April 2015, in Belgrade.

Bikini Fitness Sampionka Srbije 2013

2. What is your own typical daily fitness regime like?

I pay attention to sleep – minimum 7 hours per day – because I can focus better if I’m well rested. I do not follow an excessive training programme since in my opinion an overworked body with lack of recovery can’t perform well. I train every 2nd day, not daily. Furthermore, I prepare my food on a daily basis besides working part-time for an International company and also giving personal training and online coaching to my international clients, so I have to juggle a lot more beside my workout routine. Being well-organized is key for keeping a good balance in your life and therefore good mental and physical fitness.


3. What kind of a diet do you follow?

I try to avoid as much processed food as possible. I follow a diet high in proteins (white meats), carbohydrates (rich in vegetables, potatoes, rice) and balanced in healthy fats like avocado, nuts, flaxseed oil. I eat in 5-6 smaller portions a day and bring my food along with me wherever I go, which requires a lot of discipline and organization as mentioned before, but I am aware that no goal is reachable without a certain amount of dedication and trust in yourself.

4. What are your thoughts on “Fit vs Thin”?

Fit is synonymous of having a good balance of your Body & Mind. This is why my company’s slogan is “feel.connect.TRANSFORM”. In my understanding, we can only start successfully working on our goals when we connect our body and mind as this provides much-needed self-motivation to keep going. Moreover, fit also means that we build a stress-resistant positive mindset enabling us to feel good at anytime. Thin doesn’t exist in my vocabulary as a trainer, since my focus is to keep my clients and followers motivated and develop their personality to become a better version of themselves.

5. What are 3 weight-loss myths that you want to bust?

  • Low fat diet products are not a synonym for health food nor are they responsible for a successful weight-loss. Balance is key.
  • There is no magic pill enabling you to slim down or get fit. Following a nutritious diet according to your health condition counts over 50% in order to be successful in loosing weight.
  • Following an excessive cardio training in order to “burn fat” will rather burn your muscle tissue, enhance your stress hormone levels and may be also be a diet blocker. Here again, balance is key and can be well improved by taking the help of a professional trainer who can assist finding a suitable training programme following your health condition and help increasing your fitness level.

6. In today’s startup work culture, most people with 12 hour desk jobs find it very difficult to squeeze in gym workouts in their schedules. What is your advice to those people? What is a quick yet effective alternative to gym sessions?

In my former role as a Swiss Banker I used to work long hours in the office but since I had some goals I wanted to reach, as preparing myself for international bodybuilding contest, I freed up some space in my agenda for my workouts. It is a question of prioritizing the activities in your life well. Maintaining a good balance of your body & mind ensures more power, energy and positivity from the inside out. Therefore, I recommend people to not only give full focus on work but also remember to keep increasing their fitness level through various outdoor or indoor activities. It doesn’t have to be necessarily a visit to the gym, everybody should find his own balance. Running, Yoga, Pilates, Zumba, Swimming – anything that works for you!


7. What are the types of workouts that can be done at home itself?

The only type of home workout I can strongly recommend is a 3-times per week Circle Training on empty stomach or 90-120 minutes after breakfast followed by a meal. This is a great combination of whole body exercises which boosts the metabolism and helps burning fat. The circle workout can be performed in 3-4 sets with no breaks between the exercises. When all exercises have been done, a break of 60-90 seconds follows.

Circle Workout Day 1 with focus put on lower body:

20-25 Repeats Bodyweight Squats
20-25 Repeats Glute Bridge
20 -25 Repeats Single Leg Glute Bridge
30-60s Repeats Planks
12-15 Repeats Crunch
12-15 Repeats Lying Leg Raises

Circle Workout Day 2 with focus put on upper body:
15-20 Repeats Girls Push-ups
15-20 Reps Triceps Dips on Chair
15-20 Reps Biceps Curls
15-20 Crunch (hold 1 second)
15-20 Shoulder Press
15-20 Shoulder Front Raises

Repeat this workout first week (2 times Day 1 workout, 1 time Day 2 workout) second week (1 time Day 1 workout, 2 times Day 2 workout) and continue like this. In order to ensure enough recovery keep minimum 1-2 rest days in between

8. Women in India constantly battle with bloated tummy. Can you tell us an effective workout to tone the tummy flab?

A bloated tummy can come from different reasons. This may come from food people can’t metabolize well or it can also be a gluten or lactose intolerance. Furthermore, genetics play an important factor. Another source may also be stress while some of us loose weight when going through stressful situations others gain and this very often gets visible with an increased body fat around your waist. Generally, I have seen that a change in the way people eat already brought a major change in the look of their tummy and adding some circles workouts can be as well of great help in loosing that “tummy flab”.

9. Are there some miracle foods that really help cut down body fat?

I am a believer in Omega 3 fats as those help us to better break down the “bad” fats in our nutrition. Therefore avocado, nuts, flaxseed oil, olive oil, olives should be integrated in everybody’s nutrition in an amount suitable to their body type.

10. Do you believe in the philosophy of “Ideal Body Type”? 

Everybody should feel good in their body and regularly check their blood levels since they are a good indicator of where we can improve our nutrition in a way which suits every individual.

Note: You can contact Miss Vasovic through her website – or follow her on Instagram – @jelenavasovic, @bodyandmindjelena. 


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Style Aria’s fashion parley with Miss Switzerland 2014 contestant, Mirjana Zuber Vasovic! /_p=2661 /_p=2661#comments Tue, 01 Sep 2015 03:37:07 +0000 /_p=2661 Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder-we have come across this saying, several times in our life. But do we ponder what actually this “Beauty” signifies or stands for ? It’s not just about having a pretty face, but about having a pretty mind , an empathetic heart and most importantly a beautiful soul. The face we feature today comes out of the perfect mold of inspirational beauty from both face and mind- Mirjana Zuber Vasovic, Miss Switzerland contestant 2014.

Believing in the mantra, that ever person is unique and should not shy away from shining. Miss Mirjana succeeds to impress everyone around her with her confident stature and poise. Beauty pageants are a platform for the world to see, that pulchritude is subjective and taking part in the not so easy title race is more about just beauty. It’s about the service to the community, emerging as a role model, uncovering you love for the city and more so, respecting the effort you are putting in. Whenever you gain a platform that brings the spotlight on you, everything doesn’t have to be perfect to be beautiful.

We undertook to collaborate with the gorgeous Miss Mirjana as she truly represents the essence of Style Aria- An undying love for fashion, that not only emerges but inspires. We bring to you some candid questions with her, to get a slight peek into her journey from the stage to millions of hearts and girls everywhere that look up to her.

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First of all, Congratulations on your wedding!! Has life changed for you at all post marriage?

Thank you so much! Actually, life has not changed that much. We have been together since 2008 and it was (high) time for us to take the next step. ;-)

I still have to come to terms with calling him ” my husband” and not “my boyfriend”. I think after 7 years it is hard for me to change that so quickly. But I am getting there.

How did you decide that you wanted to take your husbands’ surname? Is there a special significance behind it?

For me it was out of question to keep my old name. Every woman has to decide for herself if she feels good about accepting her husband’s name.
I wanted to keep it the traditional way, that’s why I accepted his name. I think Mirjana Zuber sounds good, don’t you think so? ;-)

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Who, would you say influences your fashion decisions and style statement ?

Who influences me today, are girls from different walks that effortlessly mix things together and are able to make it creative and fun.
To keep up, I follow some fashion pages on Instagram, which inspire me with some new ideas how to put some great looks together. So, I take the inspiration and give it my own twist of style and personality. It is very important to keep a little bit of “You” in every ensemble.
The Kardashian-Sisters are the one I am following the most. Every Kardashian Sister has something that provokes me to try out. Growing up, I used to be very very shy and I never wanted to attract people’s attention with my styling. For this reason, I dressed in a  very unremarkable fashion – wearing only a jeans and a simple t-shirt. Even a red bag at times, was too much for me as I thought that everyone would stare at me. Gradually, I started feeling more and more comfortable about myself. That includes my way of thinking and my body. I started to try out some new things. Today I am a totally different person. I love to be overdressed and I can handle the attention because I have grown so much. Today, I don’t care what others do or think about me, I just focus on myself.
Even The Kardashian’s have to take a stick over some comments. But they are the living proof that they feel comfortable and they will continue to ignore peoples’ opinion and written word , even if it is against them.

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For a platform like Miss Switzerland 2014, a lot goes into the preparation, what was the hardest thing you had to do ?

Competing for Miss Switzerland was a challenge for me. I had to learn how to give interviews and how to speak in public. We had no media training, therefore everything was “learning by doing”. I learned so much about myself and it also helped me to see where my strengths and weakness are. I learned to put the “one million dollar smile“ – I call this smile, the one you have to put on your face even when you don’t feel like to smile.
Apart from that, looking back the hardest thing was the preparation for the final show. We were practicing for the show from 8 am until 6pm, mostly in high heels. I remember it being the hardest week in my life. I felt exhausted and my feet were swollen like balloons. Today I know where my limits are.


How did the Miss Switzerland 2014 Pageant impact your life and fashion style?

After and during the competition a lot of girls contacted me through Facebook and Instagram, they wanted to hear from me about getting in shape and places I buy my clothes from.
During the competition we had to wear the clothes given from our sponsors. After the competition, I was free to wear whatever I wanted. That was actually the time I got the most messages from girls wanting to know more about my style inspirations.

They noticed my style and asked me about my outfits. That gave me the idea, to post daily outfits and to inspire other girls. Some outfits might be very eye-catching but that is just what I like. The best outfit is still your confidence. It sounds wired but that is the most important step to shine from the inside to the outside.

Last year I was a big supporter of my sister Jelena Vasovic and her company “Body&Mind” by Jelena Vasovic“ ( she gave her best to get me in shape for the finals. I always mentioned that I live very healthy and that I take care about my body. So I decided to share my experience and to help as much as I can. I connected my fashion with a healthy lifestyle. I got a lot of inquires for bikini&fashion shootings, it proved that I was representing myself in the right way. That is the direction I always wanted to go.

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Is there a fashion trend you swear by-The must have wardrobe essential for you?

My wardrobe essentials are my clutches and bags. I can pimp every “BORING” outfit with my colorful bags. My must haves are skinny ripped jeans and a black leather jacket.

Where do you see the fashion industry heading?

I think the fashion industry will always change and evolve. What the masses of people wear today is the “now”, but we will have to wait and see what the future brings.
It always depends what the masses like to wear. There are maybe a few who like to follow a trend but the big masses don’t like it.

Is there a look from your contest that you absolutely love and would wear it again?

As we had a sponsor for our clothes we could never feel free to mix our own pieces with the clothes given. So, I could never really see myself in the outfits. I prefer my style now.

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According to you, what constitutes true beauty?

This is not an easy thing to explain, yet I want to give it a try-

Everything starts in your head. Your thinking and opinion about yourself is very important. If you are thinking you are beautiful or not – both is right. When you start learning to control your mind and always think positive about yourself, you start feeling very good about your body and personality and just everything around you falls in place. What I want to say, is that beauty really comes from the inside not only with having a good heart and so on… it is really a question of your thinking.

You need to ask questions like- What do you think about yourself? Why are you comparing yourself to the other girls? . You will truly shine if you have a lot of confidence and love for yourself. I never understood these words until I started to practice that every day!

Every morning I used to stand naked in front of a mirror and say to myself “You are beautiful just the way you are. You are so powerful and magical. I love you!”. It might sound very weird but this is a crucial step in learning to love yourself.


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Is there a regimen you follow, for looking ever so radiant?

Motivational and positive soliloquize! Motivating yourself with positive words helps you to feel good about yourself and to achieve your goals.

For future contestants-what advice would you want to give?

If you want to compete and be in the spotlight, I recommend you to feel absolutely good about yourself. If you are a quiet, shy or sensitive person, you probably won’t survive. You need to be strong enough not to take care about other people’s opinion and even be prepared to receive negatives.  Even if you have a pure heart and you only wish the best to everyone, there will be this bad person talking really mean about you. You can’t satisfy everyone. Be faithful to yourself and follow your heart.

A lifestyle quote, you live by would be ?

“Remember to remember” – (my tattoo on my left hand)
Every time I have a bad thought I remind myself to think positive. What you feel now, is what you are going to attract. This is the philosophy I am living by.

Any words for Style Aria readers?

Be positive, try out some new things, be confident, but after all have fun and get a colorful bag!


To keep up with Mirjana and her inspiring fashion trends follow her on

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