Stylearia » What’s New Tue, 21 Jun 2016 06:35:19 +0000 en-CA hourly 1 3 Things You Can Do Instead Of Blowing Crackers! /_p=3151 /_p=3151#comments Wed, 11 Nov 2015 08:19:16 +0000 /_p=3151 All through Diwali season we are hounded and pounded by unlimited posts and videos on the internet about why crackers are not all they are cracked up to be. Birds die, puppies and dogs are traumatised by all the noise and the environment takes a severe irreversible beating. Even our lungs suffer, but we don’t realise it straightaway. Many (frankly self-absorbed people who can’t see beyond their own fun) believe and even say it out loud that their holding back from firecrackers alone would not do much as the others will continue to blast patakhas and have all the loud, obnoxious fun. Might be that these people haven’t heard the saying “Boond boond mil ke bane sagar…” (drops of water make the sea).

What we all need to realise is that there are several other less-harmful, more dog-and-bird-friendly ways that can make our festival of lights so much fun! Here are 3 of them, as a sort of substitute for the act of blowing crackers (that are literally doing no one any kind of good)!


1. Dance Parties – If you just have to be loud, you can be loud in a good way. Dance the night away with family and friends and trust us, it’ll be just as fun. Might be more too! So instead of crackers, get a nice set of speakers, make a party playlist and invite all your peeps for a night of music and dancing. For decor, you already have the fairy lights and candles and you can just turn those on for extra effect!

2. Family Antakshari – Another great way of being loud and having oh-so-much fun is playing Antakshari with the entire extended family, cousins and all. Put all your guests into teams and all that is left is to start the game, le ke prabhu ka naam (with God’s grace)!

3. Card Games – We know that card games are already a part of Diwali tradition in many of the Indian households. Celebrate the festivities with a spirited game of cards or even carrom (with or without the involvement of money!) and your’s will be the much talked about Diwali bash of the season!


Make Diwali all about cheerful lights, pretty candles, exquisite rangolis, good food and quality family time! After all, in this extremely fast paced world, a festival is more an excuse for slowing down and gathering all your loved ones together rather than anything else.

Tell us how you are celebrating your Diwali this year, in the comments section below. Team Style Aria wishes everyone a safe and prosperous Diwali!


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Honoring the longest reign of HER MAJESTY. /_p=2811 /_p=2811#comments Wed, 09 Sep 2015 18:48:16 +0000 /_p=2811 The world today glorifies the one who is not afraid to fail and rather takes it as stepping stones towards success. One of the biggest examples of such valor is Queen Elizabeth. Monarchy in its absolute sense is all about hierarchy and a line up to the prestigious throne. The most prominent faces of the British throne has been Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth. The much adored monarch Queen Elizabeth , ascended and ruled the throne at age 25 as her worn-out country struggled to recover from the ravages of World War Two, marks a major milestone in the royal history by being the Britain’s longest-reigning monarch.

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At age 89 this day, Queen Elizabeth will surpass the 63 years, 7 months, 2 days that her great-great-grandmother Queen Victoria spent on the throne. In all of her years, reigning the throne, Her Majesty has succeeded in displaying the utmost composure and stability in a world that was ever so changing and full of turmoil, dedicating her selfless service and duty. She not only earned accolades in Britain, but her laurels were omnipresent around the globe. The world, sees this day as an extraordinary celebration of Queen Elizabeth’s royal record.

In actual turn of events, Queen Elizabeth II was not supposed to be Britain’s monarch. She took the throne in 1952 because her uncle Edward VIII abdicated in order to marry divorcee Wallis Simpson. Not only has Queen Elizabeth reigned as the longest but according to a recent poll, Britons also think she is the country’s greatest monarch, ahead of her Tudor namesake Elizabeth I and Victoria, who was queen for much of the 19th century when Britain built up its empire.


The Queen although reluctant to observe the day a something special, fell under the public pressure of rejoicing it. Queen Elizabeth along with her husband Prince Philip, who has been at her side throughout her reign, will take a journey on a steam locomotive to mark the opening the longest domestic railway to be built in Britain for more than 100 years.te

Here’s a quick look at the Queens reign till date


Social Media has become a huge platform around the globe. It showed its honor for the Queen by pouring in congratulatory remarks for the Queen, big names from all walks of life took to media stage to send the longest reigning queen , their utmost wishes.Here are few of the prominent tributes sent to the Queen.





Have a message for the Queen? Leave yours in the comment below.

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Tête-à-tête with British Deputy High Commissioner, Mr. David Lelliott /_p=2606 /_p=2606#comments Tue, 25 Aug 2015 17:01:11 +0000 /_p=2606 We managed to get a candid chat with the first British Deputy High Commissioner in Chandigarh, Mr. David Lelliott – who gives insightful answers about his life as a diplomat.

He  is a career diplomat with over twenty years of experience, having previously worked in the Middle East, Latin America, Africa and Europe, as well as two spells in London. Read on to find out what he says about having lived in so many different cultures, Indian food and fashion!

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Style Aria: Having lived in so many different countries, you are in a position to best tell us… how is the Indian culture different from all those other nations you have previously called home?

I’ve found most of the people I’ve lived and worked with around the world to be very welcoming, but that’s been particularly pronounced here in India. The local community here in Chandigarh have been very hospitable and made us feel very at home here.

Style Aria: How do you feel about the Indian fashion scenario? Does your wife
like any of the Indian traditional clothing?

Wow, I don’t often get asked about fashion! I love the colours and patterns here, and have a few Indian clothes in my wardrobe – some I can wear quite regularly, others I need to find an excuse to put on. My wife certainly likes Indian clothes – in fact shortly after we arrived in Chandigarh she modelled a sari for a charity event.


Style Aria: What is your typical day like?

One of the (many!) things I like about my job is the variety: I don’t really have a typical day. I travel a lot, but when I am at home during the week I normally have breakfast with my family and get the kids off to school. Then I head to the office; I’ll normally be in and out at various meetings through the day. In the evening there are often receptions or other events to go to – or to host – or maybe something more relaxed with friends. I always try to spend a bit of time with the family, though, before heading out. And if I have an evening at home I’ll help the kids with their homework, watch some television or a film with them, then put them to bed and read them a story. After that I get to spend a bit of time with my wife and/or relax with a book.

Style Aria: Can you name a person who has had a tremendous impact on you as a
leader? Why and how did this person impact your life?

I don’t like to name names, but I’ve been lucky to work with some very good people during my diplomatic career. In Mexico, in particular, I worked for some really good bosses who showed me that you can be a good leader, get things done and still be a nice person. It’s been encouraging to see those people progress through the system and go on to become senior ambassadors and diplomats – it shows that you don’t have to be … less nice … to get ahead.

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Style Aria: What advice would you give someone going into a diplomatic/
leadership position for the first time?

Be yourself. It’s something I’ve always believed, but leadership trends now seem to emphasise that you can’t lead “by the book”, you have to let your personality and individuality show through. Also know your strengths and weaknesses (everyone has both!), and work out how you play to the former and compensate for the latter. Actually most of the skills for being a leader are just general life skills applied in a particular way.

Style Aria: If you could invite to dinner any 3 famous personalities of the
past, who would they be and why?

The most difficult question of all! On a different day you might have got a different answer but I think I’m going to say:
John Lennon: I’m a big Beatles and fan and although he could be difficult he’s a fascinating personality.
Che Guevara: Another person whose story can be told different ways and it would be good to be able to decide for myself.
Frida Kahlo: I find Mexican culture & history fascinating; aside from her art, she lived through a very turbulent period and knew many of major players.


Style Aria: Do you like the Indian cuisine? Any particular favorites?

Too much and too many to name! I often try to eat vegetarian, and Indian cuisine obviously offers a lot of choice for that; I also have a bit of a sweet tooth, which is something I also find it easy to indulge here. And I’ve definitely developed a taste for one of Punjab’s finest offerings: chole and puri!

Style Aria: What is your own personal style like? An off-duty look that you fancy?

Relaxed. The most important thing for me is that I feel comfortable with what I’m wearing – I’m not really willing to be uncomfortable or too hot/cold for the sake of image. And as with most things I like variety, so one day I’ll go for something very classic or conservative, the next day for something a bit more colorful or individual.

Style Aria: When faced with two equally-qualified candidates, how do you
determine whom to hire?

You very rarely get two people who are really equally qualified – there’s almost always some kind of “tie breaker” extra thing that one or other of them brings. Our selection process also means that there are always three people involved in any case, so there’s an element of negotiation and discussion. More often than not you end up with a trade off – one candidate is better in one area, the other in something else, and you have to make a judgement as to which is more important and who will do the better job over all. A judgement about their ability to learn and develop is also often very important: I sometimes reject the candidate I think will do the better job on day one because I think that there’s someone else who’ll be a better bet six months in.


Style Aria: What are the challenges you deal with most while working with the
Indian Government?

The same as with dealing with any other organisation – they have their own priorities and ways of doing things. Some organisations are more flexible and responsive than others, but basically if you want to get things done with anyone you need to see what the common ground is: where do your goals coincide, what is it that you can’t compromise on and conversely where can you play the game their way?

Style Aria: What is the last book that you read and really liked?

I’ve just finished “Farthest Field”, about India in the Second World War – a fascinating book. Actually I’ve been reading a lot of Indian literature recently – “The Half Girlfriend” (a recommendation from my wife), “Maharaja in Denims”, “Roll of Honour” … one of the benefits of living in a country with such a great cultural scene.



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5 Apps To Help You Get Organised /_p=2418 /_p=2418#comments Thu, 13 Aug 2015 13:59:53 +0000 /_p=2418 One of the hottest tech trends of 2015 is the virtual assistant. Apple, Google and Yahoo have all acquired smart virtual personal assistants (SVPAs) to integrate into mobile apps. Even though you will have to run to Starbucks yourself, you can still download a virtual personal assistant that will help organize just about every aspect of your life. And don’t worry, you can go all Devil Wears Prada on ‘em. Check out the five best personal assistant apps to help you organize your life.

Google Now – Sure, you could ask Siri just about anything, but you may be looking for a virtual version of Lloyd from Entourage to organize your life. If that’s the case, it may be time to download Google Now, the “intelligent personal assistant” that is available for iOS and Android, as well as your desktop. The app organizes just about everything you can think of, giving you assistance around the clock. Info is organized into cards that provide all the info you need without you having to spend time searching. The cards are customizable so you see what’s important to you like traffic, weather, relevant websites or sport scores. The latest update includes barcode scanning, song recognition and the ability to store your boarding pass. If you need every aspect of your life organized in neat packages, this app is for you.


24me – If you are forgetful, then you need a virtual personal assistant that works like a second brain. 24me auto-generates reminders so you will never miss an important meeting or event, or forget to pay a bill. 24me combines your calendar, to-do lists and notes all in one easy to use, clutter free app. It syncs with other apps like Facebook to send messages to your friends on their birthday in case it slipped your mind, lets you share notes with coworkers or friends, and combines just about every part of your life into one package.


Quip – If Mark Zuckerberg uses it, we are down to download it as well. Quip is one of the best apps out there and is pretty much the virtual office used by Facebook, Instagram and Quora. Quip allows users to collaborate with others on documents, spreadsheets and checklists. Users can create, import or share documents, allowing others to update them as well, and there is a sidebar that allows you to check in with workers and review the edits they made. If you are looking to increase productivity at work by organizing those docs, Quip is for you. It’s free for iOS and Android.


Wunderlist – If you love lists or need to work on creating easy formats to organize your thoughts, the things you have to do, or even the movies you want to watch, than Wunderlist is for you. The app combines organization and productivity with the classic to-do list— all in a sleek package. Users can share lists with others and have conversations about them. It comes in handy when planning a family vacation or delegating someone to run out for milk. Wunderlist also helps you discover things such as the best recipes or movies to watch. The app is free to download on iOS and Android.


isoTimer – Now you can prepare each day carefully using a calendar and a to-do list that syncs automatically to your Google Calender! In addition to the free planner, you can schedule your tasks directly on the calendar, plan your goals in project view, sync your To-Do list with Google Tasks, create backups and restore them, time your tasks with a To-Do list timer, draw your own notes and attach them to tasks and events, create audio recordings and attach them to your tasks, and protect your data with a password. This app is the one to have if you need to prioritize your goals.


You can leave us your thoughts and suggestions in the comments section below!



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18 Venues For Your Indian Destination Wedding! /_p=2260 /_p=2260#comments Fri, 31 Jul 2015 10:51:13 +0000 /_p=2260 Planning a big Indian destination wedding anytime soon?? We at Style Aria have taken the liberty and rounded up 18 of the most visually breathtaking places (and some of them even affordable!) in the country to tie the knot! Read on to find the perfect fit for you and your intended!

1. Fortune Savoy, Mussourie: 2500 metres above sea level, on the spectacular Gharwal hills of Mussoorie, sits the uber romantic and historic Fortune Savoy hotel. The regal history of the hotel beckons you to come and enjoy the time away from the steady and fast city life. With its spectacular climate and enchanting view, the hotel has proven to be the perfect wedding destination for couples from all over the country.

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2. Neemrana Fort Palace, Alwar: Built in 1464, the historical palace was evolved and transformed into this majestic beautiful hotel we see today. With its rich heritage and historical architecture, the Neemrana Fort Palace attracts couples from all over to celebrate their blessed day amongst its beauty and charm. We Love!

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3. Palace Grounds, Bangalore: Mistaken by many to be a replica of the Windsor Castle in England (which it is not!). The grounds of the Bangalore Palace have proven to be the go to place for many couples tying the knot around the country.


4. Pachewar Garh Fort, Near Jaipur: A serene, well-kept fort with its intricate interior details, spacious rooms, and scrumptious Rajasthani cuisine, the Pachewar Garh Fort charms people to honor their wedding bond and cherish their memories amidst its rich Indian heritage and cultural surroundings. This quaint hotel is perfect for a rustic themed wedding!



5. Siolim Village, Goa (stay at the Siolim boutique resort): Along with its pristine beaches, the quintessential and coastal state of Goa is increasingly becoming one of the go to places for destination weddings. Be it classy beach weddings or intimate ones in a quaint little church, Goa has it all. Siolim Village, known for the infamous Sao Jaon festival and its old age charm and culture is one of our favorite picks. Stay at the Siolim Boutique Resort and indulge in the rich Portuguese tradition and exotic Goan cuisine!


6. Sainik Farms, New Delhi: Big Indian wedding?? That’s pretty much how the Delhiites do it, and Sainik Farms is where you need to be if you want it that big too! It’s definitely the place to go if your life philosophy is “got it, flaunt it”.


7. The Manor, Friends Colony, New Delhi: Located in the luscious region of friends colony in the nation’s capital, The Manor was started up as a small country hotel for tourists and visitors to feel comfortable and familiar in a strange city. So all you brides, head to this luxurious and enchanting hotel and enjoy quality bonding time with your better half and relatives! Rest assured, you can have yourself a merry little wedding extravaganza here!


8. Vivanta by Taj, Surajkund (near Delhi): Just a short drive from the main city, contemporary architecture and luxurious spaces is what awaits you at the Taj Vivanta. With its elegant and modern interiors, along with its delectable restaurants, the hotel promises a once in a lifetime opportunity and experience for all you to-be-weds out there!


9. Havelock Islands, Andaman and Nicobar: Come wedding season, this island of 5,300 something sees newlyweds and to-be weds flock like gulls to the sea. If you are among the latter, elope or do it the traditional way. We suggest keep it intimate, at one of the best and most secluded beaches in South Asia.
Our best picks – Silver Sand Beach Resort
Vijay Nagar, Havelock Island,


10. Rawla Narlai (heritage fort hotel near Jaipur), Rajasthan: This fortress turned heritage resort is not only the very definition of exotic but also oozes old world charm, perfect for a wedding inspired by the royalty and eminence of the 17th century aristocracy of India.

Rawla Narlai Jungle Lodge-17

11. Cruise Wedding: Reasons to get married at sea? One, in-house nuptial packages that come with a planner, decorator.. in other words your BFF. Two, avoid potential bridezilla moments. Three, all it takes is a phone call and all you have to do is show up. Four, does a girl really need a reason to get married at sea? Our best pick – Goa’s Paradise Cruises.


12. Jag Mandir Island Palace, Udaipur: Often referred to as ‘Swarg ki Vatika’ or Garden of Heaven, this palace is not only picturesque and ideal for the perfect wedding but also played a monumental role in the inspiration behind the Taj Mahal. Need we say more?


13. The Oberoi Udaivilas, Udaipur: If decadence and grandeur is your style and all that is synonymous with regal and splendour, we say you look no further than the The Oberoi Udaivilas. It is named one of the most expensive wedding destinations (it’s where all the big celebrity nuptials happen!), and with good reason, hence you want to do this once and you want to be pretty damn sure!


14. Lavasa, Maharashtra: Being India’s first planned city and a man-made hill station, nature lovers of the west of the country looking to escape the hustle and bustle of city life, flock to Lavasa during ‘the’ season for the perfect urbane yet romantic fairytale wedding.
Our best picks – Fortune Select Dasve
Ekaant – The Retreat
Dasvino Town & Country Club


15. Luxury resort in the backwaters of Kerala: The Big Fat Indian Wedding was never a phrase used to describe a destination wedding in Kerala. Serenity, tranquility, spirituality and picture perfect beauty is what you sign up for if you chose to commence your nuptial journey in the backwaters of the place God calls his own.
Our best picks – The Zuri Kumarakom, Kerala Resort and Spa
Vivanta by Taj
Vasundhara Sarovar Premiere


16. Mandu (Madhya Pradesh): Mandu, ruined city in Madhya Pradesh is associated with the love story of last Sultan of erst-while state of Malwa, Baz Bahadur and his beautiful consort Roopmati. Set amidst Satpura mountains this place boasts of exquisite palaces, ornamental baths and pavilions to lure your guests into its old-world romantic charm.
Nothing can get better than tying knot in the beautiful ranges rich with romance, in presence of your loved ones.


17. Alibaug: Closer home, an attractive alternative to hiring banquets and dining halls or hiring palatial hotels, is Alibaug. A mere 2 hour drive from Mumbai will take you to stunning beaches of Alibaug. You can have your much dreamed of beach wedding here. The preparations would be a lot easier to make as it is easy to hire bungalows here and also due to proximity to Mumbai, if you are a Mumbaikar. Our best pick – Radisson Blu Resort and Spa.


18. Shimla: Set amongst the cool pine clad hills with numerous collapsing colonial enamors, Shimla is considered to be one of the popular wedding destinations in India. Peaceful environment, pleasant climate, snowy hills, breathtaking scenery and natural beauty will simply make your wedding day memorable forever. Shimla tempts one who extremely loves to enjoy amidst mountains and fantasize of having a romantic wedding in the Himalayas. There are many resorts in Shimla that arrange grand wedding ceremonies. Our best pick – Woodville Palace Hotel.



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Most Anticipated Gadgets of 2015 /_p=2061 /_p=2061#comments Sat, 18 Jul 2015 08:00:03 +0000 /_p=2061 Although the tech-scape has seen some phenomenal new gadgets in the past decade, 2015 is all set to introduce tech-buffs to a whole new world of gadgetry. With virtual reality becoming possible with some cool inventions and lifestyle gadgets rearing to steal the show, here is a list of most anticipated gadgets of 2015 –

1. Apple Watch: This is undoubtedly going to be the big reveal of the year. Tech-buffs are waiting for this phenomenal gadget for quite some time now. With customizable watch faces, fitness monitor, Apple Pay, iTunes, Apple TV and of course a time piece; this cool gadget is going to fly off the shelves.


2. Sony VR Headset (Project Morpheus): Virtual reality games are in for a state of the art makeover. Sony VR headset will give a dynamic experience to PS4 players.


3. Quantum Dot Technology LCD TVs by LG: This would be the next step in television viewing experience. The Quantum Dot Technology uses nano-crystals to create richer colours, making this TV a pioneer in its field. This high-end gadget may not be with-in reach of everyone but home viewing will definitely reach new levels of perfection with it.


4. Fitbit Charge HR: Health and lifestyle based gadgets are going to dominate the year 2015 but Fitbit Charge HR is definitely going to stand out. With an automatic heart monitor, activity, floors and sleep tracking; this gadget is going to upgrade any old fitness regime.


5. Oculus Rift: The ultimate competitor of Sony VR Headset, Oculus Rift has already been acquired by Facebook for a mega launch in 2015. With promising immersive gaming on the horizon with Oculus Rift, this gadget is going to bring about new social changes as well.


6. Ampy: A device that can convert your kinetic energy (energy generated by your body movements) into electrical energy for your USB device! Ampy is going to be a game changer in the portable chargers segment.


7. Navdy: A transparent navigation view on the windscreen is no longer a concept out of sci-fi movies. Navdy is going to revolutionize the way people navigate to new locations.


8. Jibo: It would be a far cry from the Bicentennial man, but Jibo is going to be the realistic version of world’s first family robot. It can take pictures, make videos and connect to your mobile device via Wi-fi. With high resolution cameras Jibo will be able to recognize faces and detect associated voices. This smart device will be ready for distribution in December 2015 and is already on the wish-list of many early adopters.


9. Smart Rear View Mirrors: Nissan and Cadillac are all set to release smart rear views in some of their car models which will provide enhanced visibility to drivers, under all weather conditions. This could be a highly utilitarian gadget for car enthusiasts.


10. NYMI Band: Finger prints, facial recognition and retina scans are so passé. In 2015, tech-lovers will unlock their phones, laptops, cars and even homes with their heartbeats. NYMI band will enable the wearer’s unique heartbeat to be used as an unlocking code.


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AIB for Net Neutrality! /_p=1636 /_p=1636#comments Sun, 12 Apr 2015 13:36:49 +0000 /_p=1636 Discussions over something called “Net Neutrality” have been flying around the internet recently and have the “technologically challenged” masses all in a confused flutter. Popular comedy group All India Bakchod (AIB) decided to break it down for us in a comprehensive, easy to understand and uniquely funny way through their applause-worthy attempt to #SaveTheInternet.

The highly informative video, uploaded a day ago by AIB, takes you through the concept of “Net Neutrality” and explains clearly why everyone needs to act on it RIGHT NOW!

Log onto to email to TRAI and spread the message by sharing this video. Leave us your thoughts in the comments below!


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Flush Out Toxins Post Holiday Season /_p=1128 /_p=1128#comments Fri, 02 Jan 2015 20:18:11 +0000 /_p=1128 End of year festivities are always hard on the health. All through holiday season we stuff ourselves with food and alcohol, and two days into the New Year leaves us bloated and buried under toxins. Kickstart that New Year resolution of getting into shape by getting rid of the holiday fat first. To help you do that, we have a 3-day long detox that is easy to do and will jumpstart your weight loss process.

Detoxing doesn’t have to be a grim chore. A simple cleansing program can increase your vitality, bolster your immune system, and leave you with healthy habits to live by all year long.

During the 3 days of your detox, you need to do all things listed below.


Drink up! Lots of water will help cleanse your system and get you back on track to a healthier you. Remember you should have at least 64 ounces of water per day or half your body weight in ounces of water daily.

Start off your day with a glass of hot water with lemon and honey. Also include coconut water and fresh fruit juices in your 3 day diet plan.


These foods harbor healing promise for those looking to detox, and they’re safe to consume every day.

Apples and grapes are high fiber fruits that cleanse the colon. Artichokes are a great source of antioxidants. Leafy greens like chard, kale, spinach, dandelions, chickweed, and salad leaves not only are among the most nutrient-rich vegetables, they help purify the GI tract. Lemons contain antioxidant, antiseptic, and cleansing substances. Once ingested, lemon’s alkaline effect helps counter excess acid, while its high vitamin-C content bolsters the immune system.

Include the following on each day of the program:
* 8 ounces of lean protein.
* Fresh vegetables, steamed or raw, favoring leafy greens (spinach, kale) and high-fiber options (broccoli, celery). Eat as much as you want.
* 4 servings of fruit, including 2 organic apples for fiber.


You don’t need elaborate workout schedules for exercising. Try doing cardio for 10-15 minutes each day – it’s enough to keep you in shape. Challenge yourself and try a new exercise that you have never done before. If you are a regular at the gym, mix it up a bit. Try a class like Zumba, dancing, kickboxing, aerobics, step aerobics, yoga or Pilates. Sweating out the excess calories and toxins from the holiday is a great way to detoxify the body.

Your healthy habits should not be forgotten after the 3 day long detox, but your goal should be to build up healthier habits slowly and manage them to ultimately lead a life-long healthier lifestyle. Remember to stay focused on the longevity of better habits!

Cheers to a healthier, happier you!


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