With a special place and hold in the closet, the lingerie fashion is cutely overtaking the space and value position among Indian girls. Boyfriends/ husbands chiming in their selections alongside their mates is showcasing a new era of intimate fashions and buying behavior. Once considered a taboo, peek-a-boo straps or backless wear is making its visual presence without raising eyebrows. It is actually becoming what the new Indian WOMEN WANTS!
The Indian lingerie market has undergone a phenomenal transformation over the recent years. During this time, there has been as much innovation in the making of lingerie as has been in the adapted styles.With the ever so advancing number of working women, changing fashion trends, the increased awareness about better fits, quality, brands, colors, styling, rising level of information and media exposure. Undoubtedly, the entry of a large number of foreign brands has given the industry a new dimension and horizon.
With the change of dress code stems the need to dress differently- The modern woman is boldly going where no woman has gone before, and her lingerie naturally and seamlessly follows. With large international brands making their presence in India, the phenomenon has brought about some realignment in the fragmented lingerie market. With the influx of bold steps in advertising and media, the once hidden fashion trends are now being spotlighted and celebrated by the Indian femme.
With the rapid increase and overall spreading of stores and accepting culture, the Indian lingerie segment is all set to grow further in the future. With the gaining popularity of lingerie boutiques all around us, the stigma of buying and wearing lingerie is now a thing of the past and long gone. We are happily witnessing changing times and young women being drawn to variety , styles and colors in their intimate wardrobes.
Hence, taking over dull monochromes, a lot of overtly feminine shades have appeared in its full presence. Companies are constantly twisting the fashion threads and bringing out new lingerie collections that make today’s women feel comfortable, and at the same time, look stylish and glamorous. Intricate detailing and decorative seams are also the in-thing in lingerie today. With fabrics like Italian silks, satins, chiffons- French and Italian laces are becoming extremely popular.
]]>1. Please tell our readers a bit about your background in fitness?
I am an International Bikini Fitness Competitor, International IFBB Certified Coach & Founder of my company Body&Mind by Jelena Vasovic. Since I was a young girl I got involved in various sports activities. At first in ballet, then gymnastics and figure ice-skating until 2004, when I started doing fitness and aerobics. In 2008 I became a Group Fitness Instructor, teaching Dance Aerobics, Bodytoning and Bodypump. Beginning 2012 I started to prepare for competitions in bodybuilding Bikini Fitness category. I had my first competition in Switzerland in October 2013, where I ranked 9th Place on the IFBB Internationale Herbstmeisterschaft (IFBB International Autumn Championship), and two weeks later I turned Vice Champion on the IFBB Swiss National Bikini Championship, finally achieving title of the state champion (first in Serbia). I am very honored and glad to compete for Serbia and have already started-off contest season 2015 successfully by ranking again Top 3 on the IFBB International Serbia Cup in April 2015, in Belgrade.
2. What is your own typical daily fitness regime like?
I pay attention to sleep – minimum 7 hours per day – because I can focus better if I’m well rested. I do not follow an excessive training programme since in my opinion an overworked body with lack of recovery can’t perform well. I train every 2nd day, not daily. Furthermore, I prepare my food on a daily basis besides working part-time for an International company and also giving personal training and online coaching to my international clients, so I have to juggle a lot more beside my workout routine. Being well-organized is key for keeping a good balance in your life and therefore good mental and physical fitness.
3. What kind of a diet do you follow?
I try to avoid as much processed food as possible. I follow a diet high in proteins (white meats), carbohydrates (rich in vegetables, potatoes, rice) and balanced in healthy fats like avocado, nuts, flaxseed oil. I eat in 5-6 smaller portions a day and bring my food along with me wherever I go, which requires a lot of discipline and organization as mentioned before, but I am aware that no goal is reachable without a certain amount of dedication and trust in yourself.
4. What are your thoughts on “Fit vs Thin”?
Fit is synonymous of having a good balance of your Body & Mind. This is why my company’s slogan is “feel.connect.TRANSFORM”. In my understanding, we can only start successfully working on our goals when we connect our body and mind as this provides much-needed self-motivation to keep going. Moreover, fit also means that we build a stress-resistant positive mindset enabling us to feel good at anytime. Thin doesn’t exist in my vocabulary as a trainer, since my focus is to keep my clients and followers motivated and develop their personality to become a better version of themselves.
5. What are 3 weight-loss myths that you want to bust?
6. In today’s startup work culture, most people with 12 hour desk jobs find it very difficult to squeeze in gym workouts in their schedules. What is your advice to those people? What is a quick yet effective alternative to gym sessions?
In my former role as a Swiss Banker I used to work long hours in the office but since I had some goals I wanted to reach, as preparing myself for international bodybuilding contest, I freed up some space in my agenda for my workouts. It is a question of prioritizing the activities in your life well. Maintaining a good balance of your body & mind ensures more power, energy and positivity from the inside out. Therefore, I recommend people to not only give full focus on work but also remember to keep increasing their fitness level through various outdoor or indoor activities. It doesn’t have to be necessarily a visit to the gym, everybody should find his own balance. Running, Yoga, Pilates, Zumba, Swimming – anything that works for you!
7. What are the types of workouts that can be done at home itself?
The only type of home workout I can strongly recommend is a 3-times per week Circle Training on empty stomach or 90-120 minutes after breakfast followed by a meal. This is a great combination of whole body exercises which boosts the metabolism and helps burning fat. The circle workout can be performed in 3-4 sets with no breaks between the exercises. When all exercises have been done, a break of 60-90 seconds follows.
Circle Workout Day 1 with focus put on lower body:
20-25 Repeats Bodyweight Squats
20-25 Repeats Glute Bridge
20 -25 Repeats Single Leg Glute Bridge
30-60s Repeats Planks
12-15 Repeats Crunch
12-15 Repeats Lying Leg Raises
Circle Workout Day 2 with focus put on upper body:
15-20 Repeats Girls Push-ups
15-20 Reps Triceps Dips on Chair
15-20 Reps Biceps Curls
15-20 Crunch (hold 1 second)
15-20 Shoulder Press
15-20 Shoulder Front Raises
Repeat this workout first week (2 times Day 1 workout, 1 time Day 2 workout) second week (1 time Day 1 workout, 2 times Day 2 workout) and continue like this. In order to ensure enough recovery keep minimum 1-2 rest days in between
8. Women in India constantly battle with bloated tummy. Can you tell us an effective workout to tone the tummy flab?
A bloated tummy can come from different reasons. This may come from food people can’t metabolize well or it can also be a gluten or lactose intolerance. Furthermore, genetics play an important factor. Another source may also be stress while some of us loose weight when going through stressful situations others gain and this very often gets visible with an increased body fat around your waist. Generally, I have seen that a change in the way people eat already brought a major change in the look of their tummy and adding some circles workouts can be as well of great help in loosing that “tummy flab”.
9. Are there some miracle foods that really help cut down body fat?
I am a believer in Omega 3 fats as those help us to better break down the “bad” fats in our nutrition. Therefore avocado, nuts, flaxseed oil, olive oil, olives should be integrated in everybody’s nutrition in an amount suitable to their body type.
10. Do you believe in the philosophy of “Ideal Body Type”?
Everybody should feel good in their body and regularly check their blood levels since they are a good indicator of where we can improve our nutrition in a way which suits every individual.
Note: You can contact Miss Vasovic through her website – www.jelenavasovic.com or follow her on Instagram – @jelenavasovic, @bodyandmindjelena.
So we are looking into few old wives tales that actually stood the test of time and science!. The scientifically proven old wives tale-The nerd in us can finally rejoice!
Carrots give you great eyesight!
Carrots do have a relationship with good eyesight, but that does not mean cramming yourself with as many as possible and waiting for 20/20 vision. Carrots are made of beta-carotene, which helps produce vitamin A, a key ingredient in a healthy, functioning eye. But vitamin A is useful for maintaining eye health, avoiding cataracts, and slightly improving night vision-if that’s something you’re into.
Having Fish Oil boosts your brain!
The bridge between omega-3s and oily fish is actually quite famous, and it’s almost losing its significance as an old wives’ tale that fish is “brain food.” The fatty acids, such as omega-3s, in fish are thought to improve the conductivity and networking between brain cells, raising brain performance. And a study in 2014 showed that people with fish as a regular menu staple increased the volume of their brains. It’s literally a neuron body-builder. So head to the nearest fish market to grab some ocean swimming brain boosters.
Eating cheese at night gives you Bad Dreams!
Every pizza lovers’ dream-starts with the oozing dairy strings, but old wives say, eat cheese at night and you will fight demons in your nightmares. The idea is that eating cheese or dairy before bedtime will give you bizarre nightmares — are largely thought to be a myth. But a bewildering study by the British Cheese Board claims to have proven that they’re real!. The board surveyed 200 volunteers who ate a variety of cheeses before bedtime, and reported that most of them recorded peculiar dreams the day afterward. Frankly, this may just say a lot about the sort of person who volunteers for a study at the British Cheese Board. But we’ll take their word, anyways who needs extra calories before bedtime.
Having heartburn during pregnancy means you’re having a hairy child!
This one just tops it!. It’s time to tell grandma to hold it, but let’s read up. It seems that pregnant women who suffer heartburn are much more likely to give birth to a hairy baby. What’s even funnier? The study that confirmed it, at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, had set out to disprove it. Heartburn and hairiness on newborns might not be as strange bedfellows as they seem. The scientists behind the study, once they got over their surprise, theorized that it might be down to pregnancy hormones. Higher levels would both prompt lots of hair growth and relax esophagus muscles, causing gastric reflux. So welcome that heartburn for taming long tresses in future.
Eating Honey will cure cough and cold!
Adding honey and lemon to your tea when you’ve got the cough from hell is now officially a scientific bonus, not just what your grandmother once advised. A study showed that children with upper respiratory infections were more likely to get better if given spoonfuls of honey than they were if dosed with a common cough-and-cold medication. The reason? Honey is a demulcent, meaning that it forms a mucous membrane that soothes the irritation in an infected area. Honey is also antibacterial; it was used in ancient history to heal wounds and reduce infection. No wonder drug companies are making good use of it. Now how do we get grandma to reap in the royalties from that?
Share your weirdest old wives’ tale in the comments below.
]]>The current beauty industry is going even further and beyond, creating and marketing what it calls “food based” products like coconut shampoo, grapefruit body scrub, mushroom anti-aging cream, pomegranate-pigmented lipstick and cucumber eye-makeup remover. The list and food items-so to speak-are endless. It’s no longer about the food you eat, but the food you are applying that effects your overall natural beauty. From organic ingredients to all natural scents, the brands and customers are embracing this fresh trend whole heartedly. Using food-grade ingredients circumvents potential consumer skepticism about a product’s naturalness, enabling manufacturers to take advantage of the known health and beauty benefits of fruits and vegetables.
The use of cocoa and sugar in products has been observed for centuries. The cocoa pod has around 800 complex molecules, out of which 30 are beneficial for the skin. The upcoming trends of food based cosmetics include rice, marula oil for scalp care. In a way, food has gloatingly made its way from tables to bathroom shelves. With products like Jessica Simpson’s Dessert, which aims at the young, fun set with “lickable, kissable” shampoos, moisturizers and lip glosses. Today’s edible offerings, however, are not designed to be shared and instead tap into one of the most powerful trends in cosmetics and toiletries: the demand for non-synthetic beauty ingredients. Food-based brands are readily targeting consumers with special dietary requirements. Besides the prevalent vegetarian formulations, there is also scope for developing halal or kosher products or ones entirely based on organic ingredients. They can also benefit from consumer fads for exotic “super foods”, such as antioxidant-rich pomegranates. Whatever your taste buds are craving, can easily be delivered in your daily beauty regimen.
So, food-based or newly termed Nutri-cosmetics are on the rise, taking a major part in growing the cosmetic industry. This trend will eventually lead to the popularity of products like, organic chocolate, hemp and extracted exotic plants and fruits in our cosmetic bag.
Edible cosmetics are appearing at a time when homemade beauty remedies are growing in popularity as a natural and cost-effective alternative to expensive, synthetic cosmetics. Although, the segment does not offer the equivalent cost efficiency, food-based beauty brands do have the advantage of convenience and a longer shelf-life.
What are you in mood for today ?
]]>1. Wear your best fitting bra (non-padded) before taking measurement, taking care that your
breasts don’t sag.
2. Carefully measure around your torso (just beneath your breasts). This is your band size. If
it is an odd number, round it up to the next even number. For instance, if your band size
measures 33 inches, round it up to 34 inches.
3. Next, measure around your bust taking care that the measuring tape is draped around the part
where your breasts are fullest. This is your bust size.
4. Now that you have your bust and band sizes, you can calculate your cup size by subtracting
your band size from your bust size. The difference between the two would determine the right cup
size. You can do that with the help of the key provided below.
If your bust size is less than 1 inch bigger than your band size, you’re a cup size AA.
1-inch difference = A
2-inch difference = B
3-inch difference = C
4-inch difference = D
5-inch difference = DD
For example, your band size is 34 inches and the bust size is 36 inches. So the difference
between them would be 2 inches. That would make your correct bra size 34B.
Don’t be afraid to put the bra on and face yourself in the mirror with a critical eye. If you see any gaps, spillage, digging in or other signs of poor fit, it’s not the right bra. Turn around and look at the back as well. The back band can be very telling too when it comes to proper fit. There should be no gaping, riding up or bulges.
Write down the date of your visit and be sure to plan another one six months to a year later (bra sizes fluctuate due to weight gain, hormonal changes, aging and other life changes, so it’s important to get fitted at least once a year). Bras also need to be replaced every six months to a year due to wear and tear.
Now, here’s how to shop for lingerie according to your shape!
If you are tall and slim, garter belts worn with stockings would look great on you, giving the impression that your legs are miles long. Corsets will also enhance your curves and define your shape better.
For the voluptuous girl, shape-wear is the best bet. Bodysuits, Tummy Tuckers and Waist Belts will help shape your silhouette into the forever-desirable hourglass. Opt for Babydoll Negligees as sensual nightwear, as they hide a multitude of flaws while showing off your best assets.
If you’re small-busted, go for padded bras for everyday wear. Also, Demi-cup and Balconette bras would work to great advantage if you’re wearing a deep neckline.
If you’re top heavy, stick to full coverage bras with broader straps for better support. Minimizer bras work well to provide an illusion of smaller breasts while offering a smooth and natural shape.
Some styles of lingerie that every woman should have in her intimates drawer are a Push-up bra, a strapless or convertible bra, a T-shirt bra and an underwired bra. Also, seamless panties banish visible panty lines pretty good and are absolute must-haves. Finally, having a great set of all-lace intimate wear is always a good idea.
Once you make your purchase, it’s up to you to take good care of your bra. It’s best to hand wash, but if you need to put it in the washing machine, make sure the bra is encased in a protective garment bag. Always air dry – never put your bras in the dryer.
Leave us your thoughts and suggestions in the comments section below!
1. Re-hydrate – Alcohol drains our bodies of hydration, leaving us feeling dry-mouthed and sick. The morning after the party, make sure you drink lots and lots of water.
Fresh coconut water and hot water with lemon and honey works too! Lemons replenish the vitamins you need and honey helps balance your blood sugar levels, which may have fluctuated due to alcohol consumption.
2. Munch On Crackers or Toast – These foods alleviate nausea and help your body soak up the alcohol in your system. Avoid foods that are spicy or oily, as they will just increase the feeling of nausea and are difficult for the body to digest.
3. Drink Ginger Tea – Ginger helps relieve nausea due to hangovers and motion sickness. To make ginger tea, cut up ginger root and boil it in water. You can add a pinch of green tea leaves for extra flavor.
4. Sleep – While alcohol does put us to sleep, it’s not necessarily a peaceful one! The best way to ride out the morning after headache is to just go back to sleep. A few hours of quality sleep will definitely make you feel better when you wake up.
5. Minimize The Caffeine – Many people drink coffee in order to “wake up” from a hangover, but the caffeine will only make matters worse by further dehydrating you.
6. Light Exercise – The endorphin’s released during exercise can help improve your mood, which is important if you are feeling anxious as a result of being hungover. Exercise also speeds up the the process of metabolizing the alcohol, helping it leave your system faster. But take care to keep it light and hydrate plenty both before and after you exercise.
In order to reduce the bloat in your face and around the eyes, take some cold rose water on a cotton and wipe your face thoroughly with it. Keep two cold slices of potato on your eyelids and rest for about 15 minutes.
Try out these wonder cures and tell us in the comments how they worked for you!
Detoxing doesn’t have to be a grim chore. A simple cleansing program can increase your vitality, bolster your immune system, and leave you with healthy habits to live by all year long.
During the 3 days of your detox, you need to do all things listed below.
Drink up! Lots of water will help cleanse your system and get you back on track to a healthier you. Remember you should have at least 64 ounces of water per day or half your body weight in ounces of water daily.
Start off your day with a glass of hot water with lemon and honey. Also include coconut water and fresh fruit juices in your 3 day diet plan.
These foods harbor healing promise for those looking to detox, and they’re safe to consume every day.
Apples and grapes are high fiber fruits that cleanse the colon. Artichokes are a great source of antioxidants. Leafy greens like chard, kale, spinach, dandelions, chickweed, and salad leaves not only are among the most nutrient-rich vegetables, they help purify the GI tract. Lemons contain antioxidant, antiseptic, and cleansing substances. Once ingested, lemon’s alkaline effect helps counter excess acid, while its high vitamin-C content bolsters the immune system.
Include the following on each day of the program:
* 8 ounces of lean protein.
* Fresh vegetables, steamed or raw, favoring leafy greens (spinach, kale) and high-fiber options
(broccoli, celery). Eat as much as you want.
* 4 servings of fruit, including 2 organic apples for fiber.
You don’t need elaborate workout schedules for exercising. Try doing cardio for 10-15 minutes each day – it’s enough to keep you in shape. Challenge yourself and try a new exercise that you have never done before. If you are a regular at the gym, mix it up a bit. Try a class like Zumba, dancing, kickboxing, aerobics, step aerobics, yoga or Pilates. Sweating out the excess calories and toxins from the holiday is a great way to detoxify the body.
Your healthy habits should not be forgotten after the 3 day long detox, but your goal should be to build up healthier habits slowly and manage them to ultimately lead a life-long healthier lifestyle. Remember to stay focused on the longevity of better habits!
Cheers to a healthier, happier you!
But don’t worry folks, we have here a list of 20 super-foods, regular consumption of which will bust that unwanted belly flab right away!
1. Lemon – Make it a habit to start your day with a glass of warm lemon water with a teaspoon honey mixed in it. Lemon consumption will cut through flab in no time and you’ll notice the difference within a week.
2. Green Tea – Green tea is a powerful metabolism stimulator. Drinking it frequently can help to accelerate weight loss.
3. Olive Oil – Cooking all your food in extra-virgin olive oil is a great idea for those trying to lose weight. It contains monounsaturated fat that burns calories and fat build up in the arteries. Bonus: This magical oil also helps lower cholesterol levels.
4. Chicken – White meats are lean meats and those are the kind of proteins your body needs while burning fat. Grilled or roasted chicken is a great option for wholesome healthy meals.
5. Cucumber – Cucumber is a healthy crunchy snack to munch on in between meals, that leaves you feeling light yet satisfied.
6. Cereals/Oats – Cereal and skimmed milk make an ideal breakfast. Oats, bran and wheat flakes are yummy options to kickstart your day with.
7. Legumes – Legumes are typically low in fat, contain no cholesterol, and are high in folate, potassium, iron and magnesium. If you’re trying to lose weight, the fibre helps give legumes a one-two punch. First it helps you feel full faster. Then, the blood sugar effect helps stave off hunger for longer.
8. Low Fat Yogurt – Yogurt is loaded with vitamins and can help you recover faster after a workout. Yogurt is very high in calcium and B vitamins. It’s also a protein superstar— 3/4 cup delivers nine grams.
9. Dark Chocolate – Did you know that dark chocolate has anti-oxidants that are good for you and boost metabolism? It’s true, get a slab today!
10. Pears – Pears are one of the highest fiber fruits and contain a fair amount of vitamins C, K, B2, B3, and B6.
11. Salmon – The fish is high in Omega-3 fatty acids which are good for the heart and reduce the risk of stroke. Also, great for building muscle and burning calories!
12. Eggs – Studies show that people who start their day with an egg taken in breakfast tend to consume lesser calories throughout the day because it’s fuller and you eat less during the entire day.
13. Leafy Greens – Greens like spinach, kale, cabbage and lettuce are a powerful source of potassium and magnesium as well as folate, all of which can keep blood pressure low, reducing the risk of stroke.
14. Almonds – Almonds provide the healthy fats and energy that is necessary for healthy weight loss. Also, they serve as great munchies to curb those midday hunger pangs.
15. Apples – This fruit is so rich in dietary fibres that one good sized apple can replace a meal even, and will leave you full.
16. Tomatoes – Tomatoes are naturally low in sodium, saturated fat, cholesterol, and calories. Added benefit – they’re great for the skin!
17. Mushroom – Lack of vitamin D has been associated with higher levels of belly fat. Mushrooms work like magic on belly fat because they are a natural source of Vitamin D.
18. Soybean – Soybeans are a super belly fat fighter. Soybeans help thwart the accumulation of fats and change fats into energy. Because soybeans are easy to digest they help flush pesky belly fat.
19. Walnuts – Walnuts contain a hefty amount of Omega 3 fatty acids that help the body burn fat. Be sure to avoid salted walnuts- eat them all-natural instead.
20. Bananas – Bananas are often considered fattening when only the opposite is true! They are full of fibre and antioxidants and help stimulate metabolism. Bananas in the breakfast will make you feel fuller and you will eat less the rest of the day.
Leave us a comment below and tell us what you think!